haha +1
Shame Bris or Russ didnt show. I think they are the only other active r32 gtst members floating around!
Event was great. Trophies entice people to clean their car, else they would show up with faded roofs
All this talk about bias driving people away, the majority of club members wouldnt know/care if the wasteland crew is showing up. Also with 3x trackday giftvouchers for just showing up, you would be silly to blame biased voting for your reason of not showing up.
Else, if you cant beat them, join them. Start chattin in the wasteland and attend any events organised. People might feel uncomfortable showing up to a large car club event feeling that they wont know anyone. If we can grow the whole club's memberbase to be as open and relaxed as the wasteland crew, then it will be better for everyone.
wasteland crew reppin'