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Everything posted by Rekin

  1. cheers bro. The ones ive got my eyes on are all auctions so will have an idea of the pricing once the bidding war starts. First one this Sunday, so we'll see how it plays out haha
  2. the more camber on the front the better. Reduces understeer. Nothing wrong with -4deg on the front for track, just chews your tyres on roads. The rears is a different story, best to have minimal camber for maximum traction but be aware of positive camber occuring during corners
  3. wtf, you want to buy quality jdm rims to use on the streets and save the cheap china cast rims for the track??? You got it round the wrong way son. Better off using some r33 gtr rims as track rims
  4. haha s'all good. Give me some pointers on low-ballin. How much higher is the stated price range compared to the absolute minimum someone will accept it for
  5. fkn realestate agents, do shit fk all. Open up the door for inspection, hand out some brochures and get a massive commission when the house sells haha Been viewing some houses over the weekend and they all driving mercs and bmws and look like they 18yrs old.
  6. From what i can see, there are two bolts through the firewall holding on the bracket. Although not sure how to undo the bolts? Ive read that they have to be undone in the engine bay? (behind the master cylinder?) Anyone know where I can find a nismo clutch bracket in Melbourne asap? Dont want to wait 2-3days for shipping. Cheers
  7. Thanks for the help guys, Do you know where I can get a strengthened clutch pedal box from and any steps on how to swap them over? Cant seem to find any information. Thanks
  8. Hello all, Was turning through an intersection and clutched in to down shift. As I was clutching in, i heard something go crack. Changed into 2nd and lifted off the clutch pedal to notice that the pedal has lost about 2/3 of its travel? The clutch is sitting further to the floor now. I can still change from 1st to 2nd and limped it back home. In the driveway with the car off, clutched in and cycled through the gears. It was making crunchy noises on 3rd, 4th, 5th and when I went back to 1st and second it would also. I have read on ns.com about breaking clutch brackets? Is this a similar issue on r32s? Im assuming I broke some bracket and the clutch isnt fully engaging hence the notchy gear changes? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
  9. remote start/stop engine O_o Thought it was illegal to have car start/stop without key in car or whatever the silly law is.
  10. my lmgt4's are 17inches seewhatididther
  11. Dont think GTR skirts fit on a gtst. Never seen it done before. However, a lot of GTR owners put on GTST sideskirts (Femno's r32 gtr)
  12. yeah makes the car too skinny without them. Thinking of the r32 typeM sideskirts (if i can find a good set for sale) but it sometimes doesnt look nice from certain angles. Looks tacky as its stuck ontop of the rear panels and doesnt really blend in with the body work. Got some rear pods already, just need to find some sideskirts
  13. I decided to replace my radiator when doing 200k service. However that led to months of headaches as i tried to squeeze in a 52mm rad haha
  14. Shan: Can I grab that light-up SKYLINE rear panel off you? Let me know how much you willing to let it go for cheers
  15. Rekin

    Spotted Thread

    uras ns-01's you simpleton
  16. Needs a touch more lows on the rear and some 9inch wide rims on the front
  17. Decided to take use of the sunny day and take some photos. Although couldnt get rid of the shadow Car was coming out too dark also Sorry for all the pics
  18. Rekin

    Spotted Thread

    haha you random. Was in the middle of purchasing some car parts and you park between us and be all liek hai guyz
  19. f**k flash flooding and hail at 11:35pm.
  20. 10:55pm next storm warning. Our garage is flooded and water was lapping at the front door. Not good!
  21. holy fkn shit, just drove to/from the city in this rain. So many roads flooded, cars floating, accidents. Cant see shit.
  22. http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Used-Cars/Small-Medium-Family-Prestige-Cars/AdNumber=D3550100716747;pgid=6GtaCzmap8ZSR0YZDHE8rQfI0000Smw5j0VL;sid=sZ_DXBDQ2r_HMl2aKebJ_Rvx9i0w5UwOGBETcfJA?BackToResult=true&AdOnTop= price seems reasonable?
  23. thanks for finding that jeez some developer going to have fun with that. Just like Mirvac with the knox austral brick site and waverly park haha
  24. Can anyone tell me what this large patch of land is? http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=100+Cavanagh+Street+CHELTENHAM&aq=&sll=-37.869975,144.822464&sspn=0.304627,0.727158&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=100+Cavanagh+St,+Cheltenham+Victoria+3192&ll=-37.956025,145.068326&spn=0.009441,0.022724&t=h&z=16
  25. http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Used-Cars/Small-Medium-Family-Prestige-Cars/AdNumber=D13000884137;pgid=6GtaCzmap8ZSR0YZDHE8rQfI0000G5Fk7KyK;sid=XBfMRjxkOhGzR3EsIlzpTZ1u7e1PFnvWr64ca970?BackToResult=true&AdOnTop= r32 for sale at CarCity for $8k? 3yr warranty too! Thats friggen long! I would milk that warranty so bad haha
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