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Everything posted by Rekin

  1. haha just need to gain control of the traction issue through 2nd gear, something im sure your N/A doesnt have problems with
  2. haha great day! Was quite a small turnout, but meant plenty of runs! I managed to get a total of 18 runs in. That would easily be 4 Calder Friday Nights! Could have got more but started to feel sorry for the car haha Was either badly axle tramping it or bogging it through 1st/2nd gear. Need moar practice Thanks sauvic/wrx club for organising the day.
  3. isnt it illegal to drop someones pay? You have to fire them and then re-hire them under a new contract..Something sounds dodgy!
  4. lol what you mean? you got upgraded clutch fan? or reppin thermo's?
  5. mm, prob is I dont know what unit requires 12v after engine start haha. Everything is usually powered when key switched to accessories. ie. fuel pump prime. Only thing i can think of is injector voltage, but not sure if thats provided power during accessories or once engine is cranked.
  6. nah too much wiring to bring it into glovebox. Its mounted in the engine bay next to the battery. interesting, the r32gtst retards/runs a rich map until 65deg, then switches over to the proper fuel map. So r33's bumped it up to 80deg? Maybe you got a dud thermostat being open the whole time allowing the engine to not warm up? In the morning, open the radiator cap and start the car. If you see water moving, then its cycling through the engine which it shouldnt be...
  7. i cbf reading the three pages, so stuff you if its already been said. Had a person reverse into my car. They need to call their insurance and lodge a claim for the repair of their and your car. The person who hit you will then need to call you to give you a claim number. Now you can call the insurance company with the claim number and demand your own repairer and/or cash payment because it was not your fault. They will try to push you to their repairer etc, but as the accident is not your fault you want it repaired the way you want. I think I gave the claim number to Micolour + my car and they sorted it all out
  8. aight, thermofan controller is wired in and seems to be working (fingers crossed). Ghetto wiring for now but does the job! Saturday bring it on
  9. ah yeah nice. I was getting 84deg on my stock radiator, hence why i replaced it. Used to be 80deg but slowly moved to 82deg and then 84deg. Most likely it was becoming full of crap. Will trial 78deg driving temperature. Being Winter now, shouldnt be hard to maintain. One thing im worried about is that my thermo-fan controller looks like an aftermarket ecu. Hopefully the cops will believe me when I tell him its a fan controller as it doesnt even say its a fan controller on it! haha
  10. Aight, this is how im programming my thermofans @ 80C: 1st Thermofan turns on and runs at 50% speed @ 81C - 88C: 1x Thermofan speed increases 51% - 99% @ 89C: 1st Thermofan at 100% speed + 2nd Thermofan at 100% speed @ 86C: 1st Thermofan at 50% speed + 2nd Thermofan at 0% speed @ 78C: 1st Thermofan at 0% speed 78C is a reasonable driving temperature with a 52mm radiator?
  11. aight. Thermo-fan controller is wired in! Wiring a bit ghetto but should last me through Saturday's drag day so I can fix it up during Sunday. Just need to program the correct temperature signals and we good to go! It cooled from 92 degrees to 80degrees in 8 seconds whilst standing still O_o
  12. The lot of you are useless! Turns out there is a constant 12v going through the fuse in the engine bay. Couldnt find a 12v ignition so had to wire into the drivers side and piggy back off one of the fuses near the foot well. Hopefully someone will know the answer to this question; I need a 12v ignition source which ISNT accessories. ie. Once the engine is started and running then I have 12v. Not during Accessories. Im thinking the 12v source for the injectors? Or is that on during accessories? Thanks
  13. haha asking that question in a sea of r33's, you aint going to get a good answer They dont move much under 3000rpm, just need to keep it high in the rev range and she'll be right. lol probably, havent done enough research into hdmi cables. Something to do with the transfer rate etc hell yeah! Russel's r32 rb20 bet all the gtr's to take top spot in Deca. Its not how many litres you got, its how you use it
  14. On another note, my parents just bought a plasma tv and bought a 1m hdmi cable for $240 WTF! Thats a shit load of money for a hdmi cable. Some Monster hdmi cable
  15. whats done is done. Others can now learn! nfi why they even produce 52mm rad's if its so much effort to fit them in. As practical as making a 100mm rad
  16. hmm time to pay the bills for all the crazy arse spending the past couple of weeks. Dont want it to affect my monthly savings, so looks like ill be eating potatoes for the next couple of months haha Take note of how close the power steering pulley is to the shroud on the right of the photo Custom power steering lines, to make them go to the side. You can see the factory plastic U bracket where they used to pass over.
  17. Team RB20 reprezent! So the plan is August 1 Sandown?
  18. Can i piggy back off the relays somehow? (even though they are negative switching?)
  19. woo car back from mechanic after 5 weeks! Now to wire in the thermo-fan controller and hopefully have the car on the road by Saturday.
  20. Hello all, I need a 12v ignition wire to turn on my thermo-fan controller in the engine bay. Can someone please point out where I can get a 12v ignition signal from? Somewhere on/near the relay/fuse box? I also need a 12v Aircon signal wire in the engine bay (would prefer to have it somewhere close to the battery and not the actual wires near the compressor) I have read that the relays in the fuse box are negative switching (ie. constant 12v and activate by grounding) Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks
  21. sif open it to moochers haha. There isnt goin to be a flood of falcadoors?
  22. haha Basti is a bit too excited. 6am leave O_o. What are we going to do at 8am at Heathcote lawl
  23. http://www.blitz.co.jp/products/electonic/...ds/r-vit_ds.htm This is pretty cool, looks like it hooks up to any lcd monitor
  24. another nice one with minor mods http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/privat...id=12918B16E382 f**k, no more looking. Get my car back tomorrow after 5 weeks!!!
  25. http://www.j-spec.com.au/dealer/1993-Nissa...-R-3778535.html - $11k!
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