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Everything posted by Rekin

  1. http://www.traveller.com.au/uzbekistan-airways-to-weigh-passengers-with-their-carry-on-before-boarding-giy0re lol
  2. My last trip with Jet* they placed a bag scale at the queue with dedicated staff to weigh all carry-on. Doesn't make things easier when you have to carry steel-cap boots & a work laptop
  3. didn't work with my icloud email - had to use a random gmail account instead. Just paid off the rest of my HECS/HELP for that 5% discount.
  4. trying to register on mygov, but I never receive the confirmation email. What to do....
  5. ouch no good. He must think you are easily replaceable hence getting HR to start the process. The assistant sounds like a trap, probably there to absorb the information before you bounce. Considering that hiring the assistant could have been a pay-rise for yourself... (and probably cheaper in the long-run as well)
  6. Where's Simon? I want an update on his politics at work haha
  7. lol how did you respond? bit childish to mention that infront of others? Walk into his office & settle it out as you don't appreciate these remarks. Bit-by-bit he will tarnish your name as someone who is not loyal...
  8. maybe if they were motivated, they'd be working? Haven't heard from Hamish yet, must be motivated.
  9. I think workplace relationship went out the door when the boss asked him to write his own job description. Shareware 30day trial that place.
  10. lol as I said, ball is in their court. Best be hoping that interview you attended turns into a job offer because things will be awkard now...
  11. Better than the boss stringing you along with promises of promotions only to offer the position to someone else. At least you had a direct answer & could cut-ties & move on.
  12. from my experience I've never seen someone turn from demotivated to motivated through an over-due pay rise. Once you've reached the point of demotivation I feel there isn't any turning back other than a role-change/new boss.
  13. Repercussions can be leaders not assigning you any high-profile projects, parking any upcoming promotions & placing you in auto-pilot until you hand in a letter. Becomes quite bad if a job offer doesn't follow through because you've now been labelled as a flight-risk. Everyone thinks that a passive-aggressive threat of moving on provides some form of leverage. Sadly, majority of the time, leverage only comes once you're holding another job offer. However once you've received an offer, its most likely too late to be persuaded to stay because the dissatisfaction tends to be more than just low-pay. Don't play games until you have an offer in hand because the ball is in their court until then. I think the way around this, is to continually search jobs whilst you are still happy in your current workplace. That way if you progress through any interviews & come up with offers, you could leverage more money from current employee whilst still enjoying the environment. People tend to start looking once they're dissatisfied by multiple issues & tend to accept the new role regardless if the current company matches pay.
  14. I just put in an expense claim for a work-related taxi ride. Am I part of the problem?
  15. Your Facebook banner is of your Lexus and Nissan with personalised plates, how does that differ from someone celebrating their ring or house purchase?Some may even call your photo tacky? Just let your friends have their moment of joy/accomplishment even if it's minor. Can't we all just be happy for each other? <3 Edit: first post in new wl thread
  16. saw a white fpv gs with black rims, white callipers & lowered. The white/black combo looked good.
  17. http://www.goodfood.com.au/good-food/food-news/nutella-shortage-sparked-by-melbourne-doughnut-craze-20150728-gilb29.html the struggle is real.
  18. Specific episode about him. Pretty good haha
  19. I predict role playing board games/cards to become the next mainstream thing.Pokemon cards already worth a mint, think about how many kids binned them to act cool in highschool lol
  20. Achieved 48/50 study score in IT in year 11 at age of 16. Career councillor said electrical & comp systems engineer. Did 1st year electrical eng & was like wtf do not want any of this shit. Was planning to switch to business IT but didn't want to waste the 1yr of engineering studies. So picked the next best option which was process engineering with a stretch at process improvement in IT. Now I'm stuck writing excel macro's for clueless managers & being IT support when IT has nfi.
  21. Had a HP pocket pc in 2003, kept it in my blazer pocket, as was the style at the time. Couldn't afford the CF card wifi adapter.Did have the foldable keyboard to type notes though. I was like sent from the f**king future.
  22. Couple articles about this. The identity of a geek gamer has been lost & blended into everyday norm.The people who suffered through it and built their identify around it have nothing to show now. Only thing they can do now is vent/rage at newcomers. Cause hate on the Internet. Same thing happened with the cinema-goers with scifi. Now every new blockbuster is based on a comic book with your mum/dad going to watch.
  23. ive been & still am at work? #fifolyf
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