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Humpty Dumpty

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Everything posted by Humpty Dumpty

  1. Nah nah I want Humpty Dumpty lol..... Cos I crack under pressure lol.....
  2. Haha it should be Helga the keyboard warrior lol....
  3. Foresters are a fantastic car. Do not regret buying a 2011 S Edition. Good luck with the sale mate again they are a fantastic car
  4. God (It would be a straighter ride than what you have at the moment. One word association with smack talk thread)
  5. Sure thing Helga, your Viking is a straight up and down character huh?? Lol
  6. Beast (My only concern about coming out is you would jump all over me, but the funny thing is the the main women in my life isnt just my mum and car unlike you haha)
  7. Warrior (Stop right there Helga lol.... You really worry)
  8. Helga. (What the hell association has gayness and me have... Trying to say something sweetpea.. Lol)
  9. Rack up the speeding tickets then haha... When it comes to imports most inspectors freak out especially recently as (through contacts) I heard Dickson and afp did a "recall" on specific cars that have been inspected recently and audit those with the stamps which has resulted in a lot of people losing stamps
  10. Gayness (Didn't know urban dictionary words counted lol)
  11. The deal with Dickson is people are too shit scared to do a inspection on these type of cars and tell them to go to Dickson.. But you only need to go to Dickson is if it less that 10yrs old. I got my cars changed from nsw to act through a normal inspection place. But yes leaving out some info is better than screwing yourself to the wall by telling the truth.
  12. Hahah now now princess
  13. Hey Helga, change your name!!
  14. Fruit (Don't see a issue)
  15. Yeah anytime between 8am and 3pm. It sounds like a dropped cell but could also be a alternator starting to fail.
  16. If need be Elle bring it past the shop and I will have a look
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