Lol. Im surprised you remember Chris. Given how drunks you were.
Ah Xr5 cruise, nope. I was home sick. Will get your boost controller, we could install it at Bunker and test it on the way.. responsibly ofcourse..
Hi all,
Please note the changes in timing for lunch (brunch) and movie session. I've just heard back from Edge Cinema regarding our session time and its set at 1:15pm.
This means, brunch now will be served at 11am. This gives an 1hr 30mins for food and the 30min drive to the cinema.
Terry wont sell me the Evo. He says he has seen the way I drive... I've got a heavy foot. I'll blow myself to pieces!(actually I heard Evo is now not for sale..)
Ohh how I'd love to own a Evo2 (or 3!) there is one on carsales at the moment... Looks very tempting I must say I did buy a new VF yesterday as the new family car.