If you have the funds and a good credit rating, then going into property investment is a great idea, but i would wait alittle longer for the property prices to go down, they have pretty much peaked and sooner or later, the values will drop again. Just makesure you get good enants. I would recommend Toop&Toop property managers.
As for shares/stock bluechip shares are always a good investment, thats if you dont want to spend the time to research the markets, gold holding companys are always great giving high yeilds and capital gains at the moment. If you have a share $15,000 or so i would recommend buys Hilman gold shares, they have another float coming up in about 6 months, i've always got amazing returns from them. But i'd see how the market and dollar goes in the next couple of months.
You don't want to get burnt! :wassup: