Good morning all how we all going? Not travelling to well on the jusr over 4hrs sleep achieved ended up coming into work at 4 instead of 2 because I couldn't justify only having 2 and a little bit hours sleep.
Won't cover me because under 25 it's actuslly in their policy will happily supply and take your money but if you crash they won't cover it. Haven't had a suspended or cancelled licence was on good behaviour so never actually lost licence.
Nothing illegal about unboxed pods up here though as ling as secured. Most aftermarket BOV's sound like crap anyway and it's not always the exhaust volume it can just be how hard you've got the iron boot to the floor.
So skyline related. Saw 1 x 32, 1 x green 31 red p plater and 3 x 33's on my drive through wynnum manly area today and just before saw a white 32 number plater 70PEK in brighton.
So saw a skyline very similar to Bodos at the BP on albion rd and apart from that saw 3 DeLorean DMC-12 must have been a meet on today. 2 are right here in sandgate.