Sorry guys for asking Mercedes car in Skyline forum, but just wondering anyone of you guys happened to sit inside one of this car? As I was wondering whether a CLK 200k would be a good car or Skyline V36 250GT.
CLK 200k is pretty old car but i looked at the interior pictures seems pretty neat, i saw 250GT interior seems abit bland but maybe 1 is professional shot the other is actual shot, so i'm wondering for you pips who sat/drove in both of these car care to give some input?
I know both are not powerful cars where 250GT has more, & Merc are better known for their luxury.
I'm looking for a cruiser not a race car. But driving pleasure & comfort is important.
Feel free to give input.
*Sorry guys i accidentally entered the Stagea subforum instead, mod kindly assist moving to V36 subforum, ta*