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Everything posted by Nixon

  1. While not really relating to skylines, I had some chump tailgate me in a AU ford. I'll just take this moment to make it clear how impressed I was by his family car and/or (ex-)fleet lease vehicle. Obviously the car of an important person, whom I should be pulling over to the shoulder to allow passage. Anyway, he tailgated me for ages. I mean ages, like if it was me that was tailgating, I would have been bored by then. So I suddenly remembered that scratch that I had on my back bumper. It annoyed me, but I really could not justify having it looked at. I'm funny like that. So a quick pump of the brakes, and old mate blue ford has almost rammed the back of my car. It was close, but atlas not close enough for an all expenses paid visit to the body shop. Mr Ford, being a man of action, almost 5 minutes after the said event decideds to show his wit and determination by operating his high beams in a manner that could be best described as jerky. Nearly home, I notice Mr Ford has actually been following me! Oh how sporting! Now his tailgating again! Not wanting to really do the obvious and jump on the brakes again, I take a few left and rights and sort my plan out. Note: the lad driving the ford was rather large, and the ford itself was rather cumbersome. Thus I will dub this the "Lumbersome Maneuver" Heading upto a roundabout, ford is close up behind me... I indicate left really really early... Ford concurs... I enter the roundabout... turn left a little.. as ford turns left... I hook her right! The ford being lumbersome, cannot change direction at the last minute and ends up going left.... while I go right... and circle the roundabout! Who's following who now, Jack ass!
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