He Guys! Here some Updates from 2016! This year was expansive....and stressful. My last study year and many to do on work. The car was my compensation xD And I hope you like the Updates! I´m interestet to read, which wheels you favored! I don´t know xD
Thank you mate
Here are some Pictures
and some more (in High Res) under
or tell me what you want
The Last Update in 2k15 xD (now with Rocket Dancer^^)
It was Season End and my Beauty sleep now....This Winter my Body get a complete restoration (small things but i can´t life with THAT xD)
Here a small Article about my Car.....
Feature: Philipp's BNR32 - Farmofminds
Day for Day...its a Honor to meet People with THIS positive vibes and share the same Passions. One big Skyline/GTR family around the world <3
He Guys! It has been a long time since I write my last post. Have made "some" things since last year Hope you like it I'd be interested in knowing what you think about this Style The Wheels are complete Custom and Handbuild (Center also) Fitment is still working in progress and finish next week for Wörtherseetour Carbon Side Skirts for Protect the Original
Thank you all so much for the nice comments and the compliments! But I have so much to do The Winter is comming The Carbon Manifold and Hot Pipe are Self-and Handmade Custom Style
@Terry...you are welcome at whatever time you like but i don´t life in Bavaria...I´m in the near from Dresden/Chemnitz in East Germany..not so far away but in Saxonia
A Article from LosGoonies in the USA about my small German Garage from my Friend Kenny Cano!
Hope you like it! His English is much better than my
Hey I have made this Poster self.....I made Engine Posters for selling about Format67.net.....RB26, 2JZ, 4G63, 4AGA, B-Series...actuall you need some one? Actuall it is not officially...start is 1. May