Hi guys!!
I'm a new skyline owner. Very new. This is also my first post.
Just want to chime in and say that not everyone who looks young and has a skyline is a rich poser boy. I look extremely young for my age (24) but I've been working for years and actually bought this car with my own money. So even though it might look like "rich parents" bought me the car, they didn't. Sure, I'll give it a squirt every now and then... But it's not very frequently that I do.
I think it's funny how people on the road react when they see a skyline. My last car was an Integra (which got written off by a P-plater) and people never acted the way they do now when they see the skyline. I've been tailgated so many times since getting the car. I got pissed off once so I grabbed 2nd and gave it a squirt. This one guy in a BMW pissed me off so much I just stayed in 4th and did 45km/h. He had been tailing me down a two lane road (I moved over to let him pass... he didn't), then he followed me onto some single lane roads, and stayed just as close. So I went slower... I didn't mind so much. Kinda know I don't have to prove anything at all in this car It's a great feeling.