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Everything posted by eDriveR

  1. your incident reminded me of this... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8ce_1211527496 I would pay him a visit at 3am during the week for some retribution.
  2. Wow, if you buy a car for the soul purpose of being a boy racer on the streets then sure, who gives a toss what the interior looks like. You may as well rip it all out and just leave your drivers seat, put in a roll cage and turn it into true D(ickhead)-spec drifter. Back on topic. Good to see how far Australian built cars have come in terms of driveline performance over the past 5-10 years. The zf6spd auto is a phenomenal transmission (makes you actually want to buy an auto!) and coupled with an I6 turbo engine really shows what they are capable of, even the performance times thus far back this up. Having driven a number of different variants, you can certainly tell how good it really is. With the addition of transient over boost, as well as launch assist, i would love to see how the xr6t 6spd manual performs on the track.
  3. eDriveR

    Ferrari Crash

    Both occupants of ferrari decased unfortunatly, 33yo male and 22yo female passanger. Someone on another forum said that they saw the ferrari in question today (in that area) driving like a tool (i.e. speeds of like 200+). What a waste of life. Also, although highly speculative atm, the driver of the ford could quite possibly be an afl player... http://www.bomberblitz.com/forum/index.php...f=7&t=27248 Not good at all...
  4. This is the trading posts web address: www.autotrader.com.au Also you should check out these... www.carsales.com.au www.carpoint.com.au and this site will give you a general guide to prices etc www.redboook.com.au good luck.
  5. Well it looks like the dumb twats punishment wasn't enough!!! Aparrently she was caught driving last night in Newport. What a dickhead...
  6. lol, little too late for that... unless if you mean in november, for 2nd semester!!!
  7. I'm pretty sure its footage of a bust they had on some street drags in tullamarine the other week. A very organised bust by the sounds of it, suck shit to all those who were caught. Maybe i can pick up a cheap modded crummydore at the auctions for some bush bashing.
  8. Be carefull mate, jailbait!!! http://www.zipperfish.com/free/quiz/likejailbait.html
  9. Hey mate is the web page still up? If so get a screen shot of the page, then go back to the dealer with a camera and take some photos of the car, then compile all of this evidence together with a letter detailing what this dodgy dealer is doing, then send it off to fair trading office or whatever. If the dealer wants to treat you like a d1ckhead, then it is not only your right, but your duty, to bring this mother f**ker down.
  10. Not if your doing it yourself IMO. If you were paying someone to do it for you then you are better off getting shorter shocks now rather then paying more later on down the track, doing it yourself is a different story.
  11. Hey 400kwgtr, If you want a good price for your car, may i suggest try to sell it in the local rag or trading post. As most of the people on here either already own their car and are generally not really on the market to buy. A select few on here are just "know it all's" who "think" they can import it for cheaper, but have not actually gone through all of the shit it takes to get one imported. For the convenience of being able to look at it and drive it before you buy, it's worth that little bit extra, IMHO. Stick with the price that you think the car is worth and you may strike it lucky with another car inthusiest, who also shares your passion for fast cars (especially a GTR!!!).
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