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Everything posted by exXU1

  1. Come on some must want it - i cant get rid of it --------dont do any deals with ERUPT- dodgy bazzard. i spoken to him about this but dosnt give a F&^K!
  2. In the engine bay marked 75 main under the box with relays and fuses in on the right in engine bay. Also one of these which is located on the drivers side door -it is part of the power window electrical system , i have tested it and it is US. I need both if any one has a wreck or half cut . Thanks
  3. new in Box $100 ono pair Don't need Perth Wa
  4. Any way who wants the bloody thing cause i dont?
  5. Nah sorry i have , in realty this is not even close , enlarge the pic and have a proper look.
  6. Here it is , dose not fit a R32 GTR! Maybe a GTST or 33??
  7. Will do but it will monday before i post, gotta go fishin t mora.
  8. Guys i can't confirm that it fits an R33, reason being is that i have a R32 GTR and this was meant to fit, it fits a R32 GTST apparently? The guy who sold me it said it fits MY CAR. The width is fine , the brackets all lign up but it leaves a25mm gap at the top between the bonnet lip and the grill, maybe this is how its' supposed to be but not what i want, would you like me to take a pic with the grill in place ?
  9. After dealing with E$%^T, i aquired a Grill to suit the above. He now has my original GTR R32 grill when we did a swap. I was told this would suit my GTR- not even close. He will not return mine or refund any moneys etc. I now want to swap or sell this grill for either a GTR grill or $130 ono.--- be aware as this is the 2 nd time i have problems with Melbourne members bieng elusive and misleading. Not implying that you are all like this, it's simply that these kind of people can be any where. Any way Pm me if need be.
  10. Radiator hose SOLD
  11. As mentioned above- links to or supply please.
  12. Perth wa Neither fits due to 26/30 being differant configuration Gready top aluminium hose with silicon joiners, as on Nengun for $102 delivered with no import tax. My price $85 delivered. Front strut bar still in plastic- good quality aluminium. $70.00 ono + delivery or p-up. Cash deposit in to nominated account.
  13. Located in WA Surplus Quick sale $150
  14. Can any one direct me or supply me the above please ? Needs to be for hydraulic application , 2 or 3 pedal.
  15. Thanks very much chaps, i am now going to use this existing thermo swich at the bottom of radiator via a relay ,,perfect!
  16. Yep , there the go , have sent them an email a few days ago but no answer, who sells them here, without paying stupid prices ? Thanks
  17. The green plug on d side bottom of radiator that connects to the standard thermo on R32 Gtr . what temp does it come in at? Could it be used for a radiator thermo fan switch ?? Or if not what could go into radiator at this position to operate the thermo??
  18. Hi there, i realise this is in the wrong section but i have had no success in the Drive train sect. I really need some in put as to what pedal box will suit my application, R32 Gtr - no booster or assistance- no room on fire wall for factory master etc . Needs to be floor mount. Who has had good success with what type of set up/ Please pm me , or if you want reply to this thread as it will be a good referance for others . thank you. whistling.gif
  19. Hi there, need some in put as to what pedal box will suit my application, R32 Gtr - no booster or assistance- no roon on fire wall for factory master etc . Needs to be floor mount , unless any one has other suggestions. Who has had good success with what set up. Please pm me , only if you want or reply to this thread as it will be a good referance for others . thank you
  20. As mentioned above , would prefer slim line high volume 12 v dc, any swithes relays thermostate etc.
  21. java script:popupWindow('http://www.modyourcar.com.au/popup_image.php?pID=2241') Is this the guages here, not a un iversal but a proper pillar moulded replacement as seen? If so then i will take it for full price , it will cost about $8.00 to send. Aust post , won't take you 5 minutes --come on get off ya ass! Ha Ha
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