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Everything posted by exXU1

  1. I can see your logic - it's not quite as bad as all that LOL - my friend has a book and i have been using that as well as the net - the reason i asked was someone did mention to me in the past about battery inside - now through doing this we all know that a Dry cell is cool , beauty - thats what i will do then , thanks for your efforts - OH yeh i shall fasten with Blue tack - what ya reckon lol?
  2. Thank you - must get a rule book -been meaning to -just never seem to get around to it - slack really - thanks
  3. Can't put in the engine bay - don't like it in the boot - can it be securely mounted inside the car at the back ? Any one know - thanks
  4. Thanks Jas and others starting to make progress now /
  5. SOLD both Gasket and Balancer - Thanks PAL
  6. As the title implies/ thanks
  7. Youve got it, just finding 16" slicks with correct profiles hard to find.If people are running 8 on radials imagine what they could do with having better traction? still like to know what Theo's using - opened his web site in attempt to contact him but site seems to have afew glitches,i'll try agin later - any linlks to 16' slicks any one ? Have a look at the link. That uses 15" advan rims. http://www.tomei-p.co.jp/_2003web-catalogue/e230_drag.html Now thats what i want!
  8. Got a feeling your right, doubt though whether he is using the MT ET's now? Interesting if he is but i don't think so- wonder what slickes - if he is , using because i cant seem to find any true slicks in a 16, wonder how is going for wall height and associate well clearance ?
  9. Have been searching - not comming up with much
  10. CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAn any one help me out here? Who know what 15" rims, wantanbe's or after market will fit the GTR32 and what slicks also fit. trying hard to find info with limited results/ Nothing i have found clears the calipers - even if i have to use spacer plate i still don't know what will fit - must be some one who knows ? thanks
  11. PM Replied to
  12. Just see how i go as i would like to sell all in one go - they cost me $140 + postage - hows $100 brand new still in packet -$5 postage??
  13. Mandurah WA Will post things though.
  14. CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAn any one help me out here? Who know what 15" rims, wantanbe's or after market will fit the GTR32 and what slicks also fit. trying hard to find info with limited results/ thanks
  15. 16 litre Aluminium , dash 10 inlets and outlets -return - anti roll over valve. foam filled. Professionaly made $140 mandurah - PM b]Item:[/b] Age: Condition: Price: To Fit: (What car) Location: Contact: Comments:
  16. If your doing up your Skyline and putting on an upmount single then here are a few bits and pieces that would come in handy. Gates racing Radiator hose Blow off adaptor to fit factory tubing Quality silicon elbows to suit upgraded cooler Turbo dump to factory flange complete with v band.- came of GT 3540 r HKS dual feed14mm rail complete with dash 6 earl fittings Flush mount bonnet pins ( Police approved) Qualty in line filter ( has done next to no work - can open and clean ) Turbo intake pipes Other silicon unions to suit Intake pipe made to suit plumback hose prior to turbo intake. Hat for turbo if going to drags.( increases flow) Item: $350 Age: Condition: Price: To Fit: (What car) Location: Contact: Comments:
  17. 6 Brand new inectors- dont need. $650 exceptional value - very good injector Please PM Delphi Fuel Injectors Delphi injectors are ball/seat design with 6 hole diffuser disc which gives quick response time and very efficient operation at high duty cycles which make them great for high horsepower street/strip applications. Rated @ 43.5PSI Fuel Pressure. The ECM dictates if you must run low or high impedance injectors. Stock 2.3 Turbos require low Impedance. Performance advantages over pintle injectors ( Ford/Bosch/Accel/etc.) as listed by Delphi: � The flat mating surface ensures that no excess fuel is present to evaporate and therefore, no deposits or clogging can occur. � Compatible with alternative fuels (i.e. Methanol) � Longer service life � High-speed disc action allows wider dynamic flow range for improved idling � Quieter operation � Revolutionary disc design resists build up deposits which can affect fuel flow. � No Fuel leakage for quicker starts Static Flow Rate @ 43.5PSI Fuel Pressure Impedance Resistance Spray Angle Static Flow Rate @ 58.0PSI Fuel Pressure Approximate Age: Condition: Price: To Fit: (What car) Location: Contact: Comments:
  18. Not in a huge hurry - who are your guys - please by all means give me an idea on time frame and approx costs, can they anodise or i can get done here . thanks for your reply
  19. Hi all , as the topic description implies , need to find an outlet who can custom make a nice dual feed rail, any help appreciated.
  20. The pigment is the small packet you buy from paint with Pearls- the pigment goes in your clear- you use clear only. When your pigment goes in the clear it becomes the paint colour you want. You then apply how many coates you want to achieve the look you like.The pimented clears go over a base coat- say clear with a silver base or metalic even - contact Mat at P w Pearls and he will explain or i am sure ther are instructions on the site.
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