Despite the pessimistic view that I usually hold in terms of import car dealerships (and most people within them), I can understand where you are coming from Joe. The amount of variables that exist within the car import industry is astounding and the way that the industry conducts business can be thought of as somewhat market failure because of the few engaging in illegal activity that would cause the industry average price to decline and leave legitimate dealers with an ethical dilemma in mind: go broke (and close down) or engage in this activity (that everyone is getting away with) to continue operations. Unfortunately most have chosen the latter that has caused this vicious cycle.
Externally, one of the main problems (and conversely solution) is the ignorance that can plague the consumer. It happens when even true car enthusiasts personally 'hate' the dealerships and spend all their time cussing and posting on forums (which personally, I have no problem with because it creates awareness for the unsuspecting people who get duped by some of these dealerships, that I really feel sorry for) when really, the energy and blame should be directed towards the ones who are truly accountable for this: the Government. The government should have already intervened, tightened up the laws and made huge crackdowns rescuing the industry before this entire mess blew out of control as it has now. Unfortunately, with the announcement of the recent supposed 'crackdown' it is all too late. If we think about this for a moment, if the Gov does knuckle down firmly on the dealerships and they do begin to conduct legitimate business conduct, it would be fair to assume that the average price of the vehicles will be raised. This will further affect the industry by decreasing the demand for vehicles from dealerships that already have somewhat inflated prices as opposed to the now flooded private market. In other words (in my opinion) the industry is f#cked in terms of profitability in the future if the government does tighten down firmly due to the further expenses coupled with the less demand from a rising price (and this is having all else equal – we don’t even have to look at the current rising property/leasing prices). Who knows, maybe this is the reason why they haven’t touched the industry for so long? The flip side is that, if they decide to leave it the way it is, these business’ may continue to operate, but the consumer will continue to get ripped. Personally, I do not enjoy seeing any consumer being ripped off or any of the crap that goes around in this industry and would prefer the entire industry to collapse, but that could have negative impacts economically depending on the size and amount of employees within the import dealership industry ( I haven’t looked into it). As for you Joe, if you are being legitimate which it does seem that you are (I honestly have not read much on here lately nor know much about your previous business), it seems as if you are at a cross roads in your life and it would benefit you to take some time off and re assess as you have said. Is there any other industry or skills that you are interested in or have previously been a part of? I don’t know how long you have been in the game or what you did in the younger days but it may be time to look at walking away and looking at new/different ventures in a different industry. Anyway just my 2c, I hope that my opinion has made sense for both sides of the argument.