Hey mate,
Apologies for the delay but I have added a photo with this post. I'm not a professional or detailing expert or anything as I always stick to basic cleaning and waxing products.
I followed a similar procedure to what Anthony mentioned. I washed > cut using compound > wax > ultimate compound. I was too scared to use the clay bar for the first time as I thought it would scratch my car. I'm waiting for my friend to show me how to use it.
In the photo, the green oval shows tiny micro scratches when looking at the reflection of light. When I used ultimate compound, it did get rid of these micro scratches (red oval), however, only about 50-90%. I may need to use a clay bar to remove dirt and grime. I apologise for the poor quality picture as I couldn't find my digital camera and was stuck with my phone -_-'
Matt seems to know what he's talking about so he would know much more than me. I hope I helped!