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Everything posted by BoOsTeD_RB26

  1. great news adam_32 just curious.....how much extra power did you gain from fitting and tuning the S-AFC......who did it and how much did it cost? with that sorta power....u should get a 13 pretty easily. all the best
  2. im interested in knowing if this is possible? can anyone shed some light?
  3. there must be some way to do it surely
  4. I've seen the thread on the air boxes for the r33 gtst's, but I wanted to know if anyone has a URL where I can get instructions for what I need to do? I was looking for the materials but most importantly, is it much harder doing it to a GTR, considering they have 2 Pods...not 1. anyone?
  5. wot are the ratings on GTR injectors? just guessing but 350cc?
  6. another question.... on the autospeed website the HKS SSQ valves are $567 for a universal one and $1,095 for a kit for the GTR it says the kit includes all needed mounting brackets, mounting flanges and piping for each specific application. is it hard to make up your own adapter, and does it cost much?
  7. 25psi at least alright wicket i gather that you have a SSQ? is it loud ? how much did you pay for it?.....do you have fuel/ideling problems? where can i get em cheap? sorry bout all the questions ppl
  8. as shown in the pic above? i've got pod air filters now, and it makes a bit of a PSSH when u boot it but i want it louder. will the HKS SSQ do this for me? my only prob with the HKS SSQ is its price!...nearly $700 how much horsepower can the SSQ handle?
  9. so i take it that any of those blow off valves will make the "VU KUKUKUKU " sound, only if they are partly open? to fix the ideling problems i was thinking to get the HKS Electronic Idling Stabilizer
  10. By the way, which blow off valves have the distinct sound which sounds like several psshts....hard to explain but it kinda goes "Psshh shh shh shh shht" if you know wot i mean
  11. Im looking at buying an after market blow off valve cos i love the sound. Now seeing as the RB26's have 2 from the factory, would one still do the job? The reason I ask is I have seen an r34 gtr with only one HKS blow off valve: http://www.xspeed.com.au/ssport/04r34/04r34gtrbov.jpg Will this be alright with any sort of blow off valve?
  12. im goin
  13. I gotta think of where to put the gauges. There's not many places to put gauges in an r32 (other than the a-pillar) without cutting holes in stuff. although i like this idea: http://www.japanesemotorsport.com.au/r336.jpg ah well must think about it
  14. i got an autometer boost gauge at the moment, but i read in another forum that megallas gtsts' engine blew up because of an incorrect auto meter gauge! i dunno if its true but hey....best to be careful. anyone know if you can get the EL dash for the 32 skylines?
  15. Im thinking about buying some Apexi EL Gauges Does anyone have any as my only concern is that they will be TOO bright. Whats the difference between mechanical and electrical, is it worth paying the extra dough and getting the electircal ones? P.S Can any else recommend any other good gauges that arn't overly expensive? <....I didnt want to spend any more than $300 per gauge.
  16. hope all goes well lemme know how it goes
  17. Just as the topic asks.....how do people go about getting a CAMS Lisence....and what does it entitle you to??? Does it just let you race at places like Barbagellos or does it let you do other stuff aswell??? Just Curious
  18. At that particular time i had bigger dumps fitted.....K&N pod filters and a boost to 16psi. But before then i had a bigger zorst...and all the other sh!t. When the problem occured....i took the car back to the workshop and they just replaced the air flow meters....free of charge. Although they said they were gonna try and fix em......so next time i go back...they should be waiting for me. Hope this helps
  19. Tim, I had a similar problem after my car was modified. Under load, at around 4000rpm-5500rpm she'd surge and carry on....after that band of the rev range....she'd pick up again (slowly) and keep going. I too thought it was my "brand new" spark plugs aswell but in actual fact it was the air flow meters that were buggered. Your best bet would be to take it to a workshop and have this checked. After I had some new air flow meters installed......everything was fine Hope This Helps
  20. Hey all, As you can see im new to the "Skylines Australia Forums" and i was just lookin around for people who have the new Apexi RSM with G Sensors......I was looking at buying one as I have still got the Rev/Speed cut Are they worth buying? Anyways......Im also in W.A and I've also seen some of the cars that are here on the forum.....good to see some local cars (all of which are very nice) anyways........hope to see most of u around some time
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