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Everything posted by BoOsTeD_RB26

  1. If its leaking from the hose, just replace the hose with a new one man... Braided or not, I'm sure it will fix the problem. Depends if you really want to fork out for braided fuel lines. Entirely up to you in the end. Best of Luck!
  2. colinhunt.....long time no see..... ..... Whats the upgrade? If you dont mind me asking.
  3. I've got a power fc and I've also fitted bigger injectors (not sard but nismo). On cold start it never starts first go. Have no idea why but I have not touched my pump (Im told its aftermarket but I have no idea what it is). This has only been occurring since the FC has been installed. Once it does start though excessive amounts of black "fuel" smoke leaves the exhaust. Is yours doing this? Maybe we have the same problem?
  4. Nice to see some progress dude! Hope you get your engine soon. If you need a hand with anything let me know. Only glad to help.
  5. Well if you want problem free and your planning big hugeness twin turbo mods (I take it you wanna do this from your other threads) then you can always get a GTR pump as a lift pump, bling surge tank, bling 044 external pump, and then bling braided lines. Now that'd be BLING! I'm being a dickhead. In all seriousness though, any one of the pumps mentioned above would be good enough
  6. Electrical Contact Cleaner - Usually buy it from places like Dick Smith. It cleans them well and doesn't leave any kind of residue. It basically evapourates. Good shit!
  7. Just get a GTR pump dude. I've seen them sell on here for like $190. Cheap fix IMO.
  8. Nice work!
  9. hahaha this is gold. phatgtst = owned.. Pity he hasn't yet commented
  10. Could be remapped though. Sometimes you wont get a sticker or anything on them indicating that they have been tampered with. But with a 9000rpm cut....its definately been fiddled with.... Like others have said, try the plugs, I had the same problem you described at 1.3bar though. I shortened the gap and now its fine. Think of it as a candle in the wind, as the boost gets turned up the flame gets blown out.
  11. ...What he said They CAN be a problem but most of the time you should be alright.
  12. An interesting thread http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=54261 And another http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=52296 214.8rwkw is a far cry from 386.7 rwkw :bs!:
  13. hahaha OWNED....I think someone is telling fibs Got that build up finished mighty quick! 3 days and its on the road all tuned up and hunting for Ferrari's PHARK!
  14. Gun metal grey one over here. I'd be willing to do it. PM me details once you know whats happening etc.
  15. I hope you got an 11 with that MPH
  16. Also, you said that you're hitting full boost at 6,000rpm. Increasing the duty cycle values UNDER 6,000rpm should cause it to spool up a little quicker. Give that a go also. I did this with my car, it would build boost a lot quicker, but be careful as it caused mine to spike occasionally. 6,000rpm seems very late though.....
  17. If all else fails, it might pay to look into fitting some aftermarket cams. This WILL help
  18. By the looks of things, whats stopping them to just get the car(s) registered in their parents name(s)? That way you save on insurance as well as this. Then, all they have to say is that "it's their parents car" and that they're little corolla is in the shop getting serviced.... Stupid phucking idea especially if they are unable to adequately police it......
  19. Turn it down in the meantime just to be safe. Expensive procedure if it decides to shit ceramic wheels.
  20. Oh dear Planning anything special for a rebuild? Or are you going to try and source another motor?
  21. I cannot believe this thread. Stop trying to stir shit, and like everyone has said, get over it. I'm sure Brent tries his best (the fact he wrapped the goods in xmas paper is proof of this alone), I mean shit, I will back him up because he and his business has saved me thousands of dollars in regards to modifying various bits and pieces on my car. Additionally, every part of mine has come through with no problems what so ever *touch wood*, but even then, I am aware of the potential "penalties" I could incurr. You tried to get the goods cheaper, and I don't blame you for that; however you WERE informed about the potential penalties and you decided to continue with the transaction. Your profile says your 54, don't you think it's time to stop your whinging and grow up.....just a little? /Rant off.
  22. Just thought I would let you know that tonight I checked my trader ratings, as well as another persons trader ratings and the dates for all of the "ratings" so to speak were all 01-01-1970. Not problematic but just thought I would bring it to your attention. Cheers :wassup:
  23. Im assuming it failed on his motor and Morgs isn't a very happy chappy? If so, sorry to hear I feel your pain.
  24. SteveL: I'm having problems with uploading the comparison photo I have done for you. PM me your email address so I can email it to you. Cheers
  25. SteveL: I am looking for a picture of an R33 Water pump for you so I can show you where the hole you need to fill is. This is what gtrken was talking about. He informed me of this at Hyperdrive the other day when I picked up my new pump. Not having much luck finding a pic but if you have one post one up. I would take a pic of mine but I don't have it here with me unfortunately
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