nope as in r34 xenon headlights are not projector headlights or nope as in they are illegal?
did my reading up on the Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Rules 2002 and it mentions
Part 8 Lights and reflectors Division I General Requirements for lights
s69 Prevention of Glare
"A light, except a high-beam headlight, fitted to a vehicle must be built and adjusted to provide necessary amount of light, without dazzling the driver of another vehicle approaching, or being approached by, the vehicle."
if i understood that correctly if it doesn't dazzle anyone it should be good? i mean the "adjusted" could just mean manually adjusted?
also in s75 Performance of Headlights
it just talks about how the light should be white, project its main beam ahead of vehicle and headlights must be fitted so their lights do not reflect of the vehicle into the driver's eye