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Everything posted by BelGarion

  1. yerp i remember now and the driver ids are kept a secret, but the cosworth whoops ass, :burnout:
  2. ive seen stockholm 1 and 2, the second one has a supra and a ford in it, used to have em on a cd, but i cant get em back off the last person i loaned em to
  3. yer, they tend to operate on line of sight, but usually if your cruising in a pack most times the whole group are close together, should be a good cruise tho, lookin foward to it i am
  4. dick smith, tandy ect, the 40chan ones are fine, most have a range thats suitable for cruising, slip just has to wait at the regrouping points longer
  5. heh i had a girl, but i stuffed up badly ah well, back to loving my skyline, getting my timing belt done on thrusday, no more rattles! just got her a new zaust too zaust pic :burnout: good that we finally have a wasteland
  6. nissan maaaart, yer it seems like a goer, id advise everyone to invest in a uhf hand held, they make life easier too
  7. ok well i have run the course from beenleigh north exit to hinze dam and its a pretty decent cruise, plenty of widing stuff, a bit of straight stuff, some down hill stuff, and some down hill winding stuff(read tight hairpins) id say the group will end up bein split in 2, but if we use the regroup points that are along the way should be fine, i also suggest yas take note of the crest towards the end, i comes up pretty suddenly i have the path mapped out and if need be i can photo copy the pages of the refidex for whoever is gonna lead, ill be sitting in the middle with the sedate group most of the bends are well marked so it should be a good run
  8. yer, i went and cruised the esplinade thisarve, if i get bored again ill head up and do that run, see what its like, i think ive done it once before when i was in year 12, but that was a while back and we were er, well we didnt really know precisly where we were headed
  9. also, dunno if anyone knew this, but feb only has 28 days, it will be a first of march cruise ROFL
  10. ok this is copy and paste from the boostcruising/xibit cruise, one of the guys who was on the last sau cruise "gry-32" will know it too cause he was on it, i actually didnt cruise this one, seing as hinze dam is just up the road i just drove round when they all got there the directions seem to be pretty detailed and on the money, ill check em all on my refidex and see how that goes, and ill make any changes to it if need be Take exit 34 * Beenleigh North *. Right at Logan st lights . Straight though the first roundabout then right at the next following the mount tambourine signs. 18k: Stop at 7’11 servo for regroup and for people that forgot to bring food! If you go down the LEFT of the servo past the car wash there is a big car park where we can stop n chat and so forth while people buy food and etc. were only stopping 40mins at the MAX ;P play it by ear me thinks, continue the way we were traveling after we leave trying to keep together 31k: You will come across two “1 lane” bridges . WARNING. They are 1 lane please give way to other motorists . This stretch of road is also a little bumpy but I’m not afraid to take the 180 down it and I guess Ill be the lowest car there. The road stays bumpy for 5km’s. Take it easy and you shouldn’t have any problems. 39k: Left turn onto Tambourine Mt rd 3pm 43k Beginning of climb! – could the slower cars please pull over to let the AWD and 4WS cars past. 48k WARNING very narrow pass. Caution recommended 50k Follow the road left thru the village round to the left 53k REGROUP after the mountain I think we would have needed a regroup spot this is just after the look out area . there is a parking sign you cant miss it . 55k right turn down white road 58k very steep decent, also there are traffic signals to let people down the mountain in packs because its 1 way. You will know what I mean . just be wary of this 60k military training area ! : þ – DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR. It is a live ammunition area. 62k one way section give way 64k left at the gold coast sign 73 right clagirrba rd 75k nasty crest. Take it slow fear of getting air bourn! 5:00pm 79k right at murwillumbah 83k left Heinz dam
  11. mmm mabey leave the mad mtn to its own, but there was a cruise from springwood to hinze dam a few weeks back by boostcruising, apparently the route was pretty decent, went up through tamborine ect, and then once we hit hinze cause it will probably be closed at that time of night, just head straight across the dam and on to bwcp or shell mudgeerabab or bermuda st if ya interested i can try and get the cruise course
  12. no idea, probably be in march sometime tho
  13. im with chaos cant wait to remove my cars sticker virginity with a nice sau sticker
  14. mick51 and myself that is, and sometimes a couple of other cars 180sx ect
  15. usually we are at mt gravatt or officeworks at milton rd on thursday nights if ya see me come and say hi, cant miss my car
  16. next time i should be on the cruise too, seing as valentines day comes only once a year *phew* edit, single now so sif worry bout valentines day
  17. BelGarion

    Skidpan Day

    mmmm still no word on a set date, theres talk of a dyno day on boostcruising.com too, somewhere on the goldcoast
  18. damnit im missing out :| mark0 never cruises when im around... :uh-huh:
  19. cant miss it, drive up the road towards mt cotton and theres a few huge signs on the side of the road with driver training center on em, seems to be the place i think still, would like to see the cruise in the mts happining,
  20. sent you an email with a few questions Da_Man
  21. apparently there is some good footage of my car on logan road, so i want that too
  22. yer i enjoyed the roma st meet, was good to meet new faces, and some i already knew from a trip to willowbank, ect. so is someone gonna slap a date on this thing?
  23. id say sunday, what date is it gonna be, ive seen a few sugested on the above, either way ill be there
  24. id be interested
  25. BelGarion

    Skidpan Day

    im still keen for it gives me something to look foward too
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