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Everything posted by BelGarion

  1. yes was very good of pete to make sure he projected it outta my window, apparently i was goin too fast for his stomach logan road wasnt just about you mick, there was that forrester gt pffft awd sucks ass was good to meet so many other skyline drivers too, usually i hardly talk to anyone, be sure to say hello if yas see me out, cause i will if i reckognise yas (i do have a bad memory )
  2. yep was a great cruise, good to see so many skylines in one place also put some names to some faces. altho someone was confusing me for their brother almost all night trip to the goldcoast was pretty good too
  3. im still comin up, so it better not be off are there any other goldcoasters coming?
  4. yeh ill come back down the coast, seing as i live here, would be good to go into bwcp with a bunch of other skylines
  5. my friend used to have a 1580sx (strawberry face 180) he traded it but its back on the road on the goldcoast, saw it at bwcp on sat night last week,
  6. BelGarion

    MSN and ICQ

    oh and my icq number is 29014603, had to remember my password, and find the number too..
  7. BelGarion

    MSN and ICQ

    [email protected] yeh, gimme a message if ya feel like it, im pretty boring
  8. im definatly coming, a friend was gonna bring his 180 but hes just gonna occupy my passenger seat now
  9. yeh i rang round all the places on the list the dept of transport gave me and sunmet were the cheapest. also what hitnrun has said seems pretty much on the mark from memory cept you will cop stamp duty and stuff
  10. Stoffle someone was telling me about someone getting their skyline on tuesday and then they gave me a link to your site, seems everyones speakin bout ya, all good tho im still new to the world of skylines too :uh-huh:
  11. ill be there, this time i promise not gonna miss this one
  12. im usually in bris at least once a weekend so i dont mind, im just a little challanged when it comes to navigating the city, ill get it eventually
  13. yes but instead of using the bp (which every one else does and makes the place challanged for parking) perhaps if the yatala pies place on the other side of the highway dont block their carpark off at night, use that, cause its a fairly large carpark from memory oh and it would be great to meet other skyline drivers, usually i just get stared at by other line owners like i did something wrong or something
  14. BelGarion

    Skidpan Day

    after feb ill be in, im a little short cash wise atm sounds like a shitload of fun, a chance to learn to drive better... which id say i could probably use edit :- im assuming the hardest thing ur gonna hit is the cones? and gettin my car dirty, well it does that with normal driving :S damn dirt driveway
  15. im on the gold coast ice green R33 there doesnt seem to be too many of em http://icegreen33.boostcruising.com
  16. they only really pick on you these days if your car is asking for it, i mean over the top rice wing, ass of the car is sagging (ala cut springs). im usually down there, i followed 2 skylines out last night, nis33 and a r32, they seemed together but I was headed elsewhere anyway. only really know mick when hes down there
  17. well i said id get some better pics of it so here they are http://icegreen33.boostcruising.com/
  18. krawler i agree, i dont mind the places like aspley once in a while, ive been to mt gravatt a few times, but usually only on a friday night. i live on the coast, and i tend only to go to the bwcp once in a while, for the most part the bwcp is full of underage drunk tools who run round pointing out all the bad points on peoples cars and yelling out "get a |insert fave car marque|" ect. I dont disagree with NismoGirl either, id say shes right on the money, these days, cruising with the cops in popular spots is pretty much not gonna happen.... unless Qld hosts CHOGM again
  19. that they did, was my first time to the hypermarket, did meet some nice people, i ended up cruising with a bunch of people from boostcruising anyway. altho one skyline did come past asking if id seen any other skylines. i ended up having an enjoyable night, and was for the most part, police free.
  20. yes i know, it was rather intimidating, i know i didnt wanna end up sittin beside it on the strip
  21. id be into cruises, tho the factor of me being on the goldcoast and most members in bris or further north does make it a little distance to travel, i have been traveling to brisbane to cruise with a bunch of s13 people (ie i used to drive a silvia) i went to the drags last week with mick to give my new clutch a punishing, was great, i was shittin myself first run, and they woulda had trouble gettin me home if they didnt block off the staging lanes after i worked it all out :burnout: ill definatly be investing in a helmet, and perhaps some more mods to ensure i continue to beat mick, just gotta build up the funds :bahaha:
  22. well most people saw the pics on the prestige motorsports emailing list. this was one i took the night i got it home, i have been meaning to get a better looking pic of it.
  23. it isnt illegal in any way, and every excuse the guy was giving me i pointed out that he was wrong things like, its not secure... so i shook the battery with both hands and the car moved around. then i pointed out it was sitting in a catch tray and had a drain tube as well, he came up with its not in a sealed enclosure, i pointed out it was a sealed battery (no filling holes) and that both terminals had insulated covers on em, and he basicly carried on making himself look more like a child who wasnt getting his way rather than a dignified police officer. in the end i just said look heres the rego papers, the transport auth looked the car over thismorning and said it was fine, so theres no reason for you to defect me as that was 4 hours ago. (this happened on the night i got the car) i believe ive posted the story once before, but yeh, it just surprised me the length this guy was willing to go and argue about it, i dont even think he had any right to command me to lift my bonnet in the first place edit :- sorry to hijack the thread
  24. the fun begins when you try explaining it to the cops that it was like that from the factory, i had to argue my way outta a defect for it, and the cop really wanted to book me, didnt matter there was guys across the rd doin burnouts, i was a bit surprised when i found it out myself tho
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