it isnt illegal in any way, and every excuse the guy was giving me i pointed out that he was wrong
things like, its not secure... so i shook the battery with both hands and the car moved around.
then i pointed out it was sitting in a catch tray and had a drain tube as well, he came up with its not in a sealed enclosure, i pointed out it was a sealed battery (no filling holes) and that both terminals had insulated covers on em, and he basicly carried on making himself look more like a child who wasnt getting his way rather than a dignified police officer.
in the end i just said look heres the rego papers, the transport auth looked the car over thismorning and said it was fine, so theres no reason for you to defect me as that was 4 hours ago.
(this happened on the night i got the car) i believe ive posted the story once before, but yeh, it just surprised me the length this guy was willing to go and argue about it, i dont even think he had any right to command me to lift my bonnet in the first place
edit :- sorry to hijack the thread