Hey guys, my gtt will drop a cylinder after a couple of minutes of driving, but it will run fine for a bit longer when its colder. Sometimes it will switch back to normal for a minute, then go back to missing, its a bit random, but definitely seems to act up more when its hot/engine has warmed up. I get the three engine lights, (slip, tcs, and check engine) which means ignition circuit right? I originally thought it was the o2 sensor, so I just swapped that out with a new oem, idles nice but still eventually starts missing. The coils are still factory.
Car has 110,000ks on it, recently had new plugs, 1.1mm gap. I know should gap them to 0.8 but i figured that it wouldn't be the plugs since its more of an intermittent problem than a fouled plug. Boost is only slightly above stock - less than 10psi.
Ive done a fair bit of research and I'm pretty sure I need new coils, just seeing if anyone else has had the same problem and can pitch in their thoughts before I drop the money.