wait for this. do more, do more we are constantly told is a line I remember from the preview. it interest me cause the mordern 1st first exercise regime is strain yourself, totally not what I want to do.
Tuesday 7:30 SBS
there a link I can't paste about Scoopon offering 30mins 8 laps in a Go-Kart.
Anyone been on a go kart can tell me this is a good deal., way to go carting.,?
Brisbane dealwww.scoopon.com.au/deals/20751/acacia-ridge---high-speed-go-kart-laps?utm_source=scoopon&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsbrisbanesouthoftheriver
yeah. would of liked a 160,000 km. 1986 corona from my grandpa. bit it had a $1000 job so $50 to the wreckers.
now I have to spend 10,000 grand to buy a old stagea,
wishing somebody will upgraded and pass on their car to me.
I am looking for a first car as I would like a hand me down car for free
is a stagea a good reliable car. reason I dislike it: heavy. lots of machiery. hearst looking old bjd model's1998. I cant edit this so mistakes