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Everything posted by bennyRE

  1. Ok boys and girls!!! 10 spots are available to you guys exclusively Interested parties either PM, email ([email protected]) or reply in this thread (would prefer direct contact though )
  2. Just to recap- We will be meeting at Phesents Nest Mobile Service Station(on the hume highway) with a firm departure time of 9am as to not miss out on anything through the day! If you are coming, try aim to get there about 8:30 as to not miss the conga line! If you can make it, it would be great Remember, entry & parking is free! Thanks :aroused:
  3. That's great to hear Last time we had some production cars down there doing a few laps, which were loud as hell (one being a 20b PP) and great to watch... And it was also a little bit of a laugh seeing 1970's cars doing laps faster than 90's cars Don't forget there are oppotunities to become a passanger aswell, so you can experience first hand the thrill(and comparison) As i said, i'm posting the information here so you guys could come down, watch the cars lapping, look and critic some show cars and have a fun day. And if the oppotunity arise, would get you guys involved aswell. It's definatly an experience you wont forget in a hurry
  4. As we can appriciate, this sort of event isn't for everyone. I myself have watched countless times before, raced once and have never been bored. Yourself on the other hand might prefer participating and can't stand watching. It's all about preference. We would love to see you down there on the day though, and hey you might even enjoy yourself Thanks for the kind words Tex, and yes Brad does get a little emotional doesn't he :jk:
  5. Ahh just having a read of it now, i can see how that angle could be taken. Sorry about that The idea of the thread is just to invite you guys down to watch... And if spots are available, to get you guys involved. Thanks for spreading the news
  6. This was one of the main goals for the club. We are not CAMS affiliated yet, but will be before the end of May. So in future, events that requires CAMS affiliation will be hosted by ourselves as often as interest permits.
  7. That's correct. This day is more of a go down and watch for the day thing. Entry & Parking is free so at worst, you've watched some great racing and used a tank of gas. If, however the spots are not taken by club members, it will be first in best dressed on the 31st of May. I have come here to invite you guys along, to get out and meet a few rotary guys, and see what a few of them a capable of.
  8. Wow i'm a true salesman, i didn't even answer the question directly :thankyou: The website will be updated this weekend with more details
  9. For registration, it will be open for everyone to participate in if all 35 spots arn't taken by 31st May. If you would like to put in an application for the extra spots (first in) you would need to fill out the form and get it to us asap. Speed events for the day will be held during lunch. We will be hosting a Go to Woe session with all the track participants. Depending on their willingness we may be able to fit in some other cars into these events aswell(You would need to have a Wakefield licence for any participation). There will be a limited amount of passangers for the day, but it is a great opotunty to experience the rotary! especially for you skyline guys if you've never been in a rotor before. It's going to be a great day, visually and sports wise. We are securing a few special guests for the day aswell. Regards, Ben Public Relations/Webmaster for Rotary Enthusiasts of New South Wales. http://www.renew.asn.au
  10. G'day fellow car enthusiasts My name is Ben and i am here on behalf of a newly formed club dedicated to the rotary engine; Rotary Enthusiasts of New South Wales(RENEW). For more information on our club please visit http://www.renew.asn.au. I'm not here just to make you all aware of us, no! What i'm here to do is to invite you to watch an event taking place 3rd July 2004 at Wakefield Circuit. There will be track events held through-out the whole day and a show and shine to check out under the hoods! Entry & Parking is FREE! There is a cruise organised by ourselves to get to wakefield specifically for anyone who doesn't know how to get down there to watch the fun! We will be meeting at Phesents Nest Mobile Service Station(on the hume highway) with a firm departure time of 9am as to not miss out on anything through the day! If you are coming, try aim to get there about 8:30 as to not miss the conga line! This will get us to Wakefield at approximatly 10:15 - 10:30am just in time for the first run of the advanced drivers!!! We will be putting on a BBQ for the day, Sausage - $3; Drink - $2 and any funds raised on the day will be put towards the next big event we will be holding to make it even better than the last If you would like to know more about this day, please do not hesitate to contact myself directly through this forum or via my email address [email protected]. Regards, Ben Public Relations/Webmaster for Rotary Enthusiasts of New South Wales. http://www.renew.asn.au edit- making things a little clearer - thanks SW20-GT
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