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About AshR34GTT

  • Birthday 01/07/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Adelaide SA
  • Interests
    Living life and having fun.

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  • Car(s)
    '98 R34 GTT
  • Real Name

AshR34GTT's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Wondering if anyone has a drivers door in grey/silver for a '98 R34 GTT.
  2. I think it actually looks alright tbh.
  3. Genuine Nissan bearing kit?
  4. I use Royal Purple. Just saying....
  5. I use to live at christies beach. Glad I moved. But didn't stop some a**e hole robbing my home a few months back. Some ppl are just pure pieces of s**t!!
  6. Cool thread, like others have said it looks great! Good work.
  7. Would love to go but still waiting on new front rotors. Won't have them till late Feb. Man, I'm missing out heaps lately.
  8. Another skyline stolen. Been happening a bit lately. I have an alarm an 3 point immobilizer, but still use a club lock just for a extra deterrent and peace of mind. Sorry for your loss man. Especially after owning it for a decade.
  9. I know this is off topic, but in SA you are exempt from the 'no turbo on P plates' If you are 25 years old or over. Is this the same in other states or are turbo's outlawed altogether for P platers (in other states)?
  10. I work in security. Heaps of work in Adelaide. Never done the monitoring side of things, more pubs, clubs and stuff. Northern suburbs are great for work. Bit to close to Elizabeth for my liking, but if you got a fence and dog you will Be fine. Mind you southern suburbs are not so good for work and can be just as bad As the north for Scummy ppl, especially Noarlunga area. I'm not gonna give Adelaide the ultimate plug, but it ain't a bad place. I've lived on the far north coast of NSW an also spent time in Sydney. My biggest hate about Adelaide. The roads. Worst roads I have ever driven on. Uneven surfaces, pot holes, cracks, slopping roads to the point trucks can't use the left because of trailer slapping the stobby poles, There are gas mains every 100meters positioned right on the driving line so you smash the S**t out of your spension. Driving becomes a game of dodge ball (so to speak). It's extremely frustrating. Especially if you love your car. Other then that, Adelaide's fine.
  11. LOL!!!!!!!
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