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  1. I'm assuming this is just like all the other 'Gain power now, save fuel..' http://www.fuelsaver.com.au/hiclone.php Thoughts? After looking through the web site, it all feels like rubbish, but...... From web site.... Turbo Engines For Turbo vehicles we suggest installing Hiclones in two locations. The first Hiclone is installed near the intake manifold; after the Turbo or intercooler; to improve combustion and economy. The second part is installed near the air filter, before the Turbo. This part helps the Turbo Impellor to spin, reducing Turbo lag, bringing the boost in around 400-500rpm earlier. It is also possible to install extra Hiclones in power or economy positions to further improve the vehicle. We have a lot of customers with up to 6 Hiclones installed on one vehicle. Please note the line - AFTER THE Turbo ??!!!
  2. I've had ins with them for a couple of years, although they have repeatedly been slack with the paperwork, they do know what they're on about, and give very good prices. They do allow monthly payment, with the first payment being 2 months? If I recall (always paid yearly) with 10% Extra for Monthly payments (They may have changed that by now though) I was able to list all my mods, and specifically list my alloys etc. They also agreed to a fixed value, rather than book value, although I did have to point out the cost for my extras. I went with a larger excess to drop the yearly price, which has worked well for me.... Not sure about your age tho.. they didn't used to touch < 20 Y.O. - But times change...... Any insurer will gouge you for your age, it's pretty much unavoidable, but if you pay through the nose for a year, it will drop pretty quickly... and also play the insurers off each other when it comes to renew after a year, and you'll see a good saving... You just have to take the first big hit, if you want your toy insured! p.s. AAMI are by a large ammount the cheapest for GreenSlips, when I re-upped this year.... Quite surprising!
  3. Gun, I personally think that given the right rules, it'd be dammed interesting... If you looked the way that the Performace cars ran round the mount, and in many ways were quicker over the top, then a well setup GT-R with the power could be the package to win... As others have said, it'll be the restrictions and rules that kick it in the bum... ffs, the '32s IIRC, are still restricted on the intake for AUS circuit racing??
  4. Mine is finally slipping, after almost 3 years, 90K with me driving it (already had 60K when I got it) at 170-210rwkw.....210 for the last year - Quite a few launches etc... I'm also almost habbitual in slipping the clutch at lights & hills too... It's finally slipping from what I assume is purely mileage and the launches.. will be looking at putting in an exeedy heavy duty, with the original pressure plate (if I can) - so the other half will be albe to drive it....
  5. When the mud you've been driving through is acutally above the FMIC (and you've cleared it by hand after getting to point B) and marks are level with the top of the front bar, you know it's been raining for a while... :-) (after about 15-20k's of 4 wheel 'sliding' in a '33 GTST......doh me for choosing an unsealed road.. again.....) The saying 'She'll be right' really owes me, sometimes.......
  6. The bung is the PITA threaded cap which seals the top of the Fuel tank. Normally, when accessing the fuel pump, you have to use a hammer & a small piece of wood to drift the threaded cap off.... (This as annoying, sometimes painful - Hitting hand with hammer, and very time consuming....as I round out today, when fitting an 040)
  7. Zebbie

    Network Stuff

    Network Stuff
  8. Hmm. Take one Metro (Similar to a swift, but very square, built by Rover in the UK) Leave after a night of indoor karting..... at the first S-Bend, go off road, run over the sharp corner v's (They have already been run over by someone else) - Hit the bloody big oak tree, (which has no bark on it, having been hit repeatedly by other cars.... ) Look at front lights, which have no fixed mounts anymore (somehow the actual glass survived on both lights) and are sort trying to light up the clouds... Sort through the detruis in the back of the car, and use 2 x Maccas large Coke cups to brace the lights, and add 2 x cup holders behind them. Add electrical tape, (no cable ties to hand, learnt that lesson, always have them to hand now! ) Proceed to use said setup until MOT/Pink Slip time many months later - For some reason the test guy couldn't align the lights correctly...... It's amazing what you can knock up when the rain is coming sideways at you, and you're in the arse end of nowhere, with the only working lights the broken ones.... :-)
  9. I'm here too :-) There's about another 3 forum members around as well :-) R33 S2 GTST
  10. Who's attending, i'll be about, as I won a 3 day pass, and just 'happen' to live in Bathurst..... (I'll probably be the idiot wearing a nismo pit shirt ;-) )
  11. Good to see all those that appeared, will post pics later
  12. A good friend had a R33 GTR brought in by them, he was very happy with the service. He did arange for a container, rather than roro, they were informative, the estimated costs were reasonably close to final charges. Overall, helpful, and he only had one complaint, was that whoever was the delivery driver, had a smoke or two on the way to taking it to the docks.....
  13. Geoff : Put an attendance list on your first post of the thread........ Add me tho, and also add Vader (Still not told him, but he'll be there)
  14. just a quick pic from today... SLR digial cemeras rock..... (6mp canon SLR) (my normal digial camera, a Pentax (8mp) (700AUD) , is nowhere this quality... ) oh, this pic was taken in a workshop, with no extra lighting, and was a quick 'snap'
  15. afaik, yes, he's fully comp....
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