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Everything posted by SeriesIIGTST

  1. not cat converter = pops/flames
  2. Yeah, straight from Nissan. Trade prices
  3. Hi again Thanks for the replies. Indeed many of you were right on the money saying it was the selector fork. Attached is a photo of my 3rd/4th gear selector fork. $125 later and overnight shipping for melbourne and I should be back on the road again! Save buckets by doing the tough stuff myself. Also on the bright side, my bearings are good and my gears look great Cheers!
  4. I'd just like to congratulate myself for continuing to break shit on my car. Well done Dave & thanks for all the help with spending my money fixing the f**ker! :cuss:
  5. yep, this weekend @ new Perth Convention Exhibition Centre.
  6. I have attached the bit that we pulled out of the gearbox oil this morning. Haven't got the box apart cause i don't have the right tools here at home. Doesn't look like a gear tooth but resembles more the selector fork I think.
  7. I'm not familiar with all the autowatch product lines but it sounds expensive? I paid less than $600 for my 160RLi almost 3 years ago, including motion and shock sensors, integrating my Pivot Turbo Timer, central locking hookup and one of the cleanest installs I've ever seen. I get out the car, still running on TT, arm it and walk away. Haven't had any problems. Not sure how the 160RLi compares to the 446 or 456 you mention though.
  8. Righto, got the gearbox out this morning. Haven't taken it apart but when we cyphened out the oil into a container, we found a piece of selector fork. Hopefully as it's been breaking, it hasn't crunched my gears up too badly. Will keep you all posted. Cheers for the responses.
  9. no grinding, no nothing. I put it in 3rd or 4th with absolutely no resistence. Let the clutch out and the car acts like it's in neutral. No grinding. Basically, it's not even selecting the gear despite the gearstick position. Paul, will definitely let you know if it comes down to a rebuild. Gav, thanks for the link. If it's going to be that expensive, a 2nd hand box will definitely prevail as the solution.
  10. Hi all, I was out today busy crusing around in my car. Decided to accelerate onto the freeway, left it in 3rd and buried the throttle, got to about 5,500, shifted to 4th, bit of a crunching noise then revs, i clutched back in, went to 5th, car went fine, went back to 4th, nothing, 3rd, nothing, 5th, drive. Long story short, I no longer have 3rd or 4th gear and need to correct this situation. I figure I've got a couple of options 1) 2nd hand gearbox 2) Rebuild One of my friends has suggested a Pfitzner? set apparently made in SA. Don't know much about these. Where in perth can you go to get a gearbox rebuilt? Anyone recommend any places? I'm leaning towards a rebuild as that way I know the exact condition of the box. It may also be a selector and not the gears themselves (fingers crossed) but I won't know til i've got the box apart. Cheers for any help you can give me.
  11. Hijacking thread but still on injectors... Sydneykid - had my RB25DET dyno'd yesterday and was hitting 96% injector duty, perfect 12:1 AFR's at almost 12psi for a total of 295rwhp. Does this seem right given i'm on stock injectors, 45psi base fuel pressure (when no boost line to reg connected). How do these people get 400rwhp out of stock injectors? I've got 450HP fuel pump so i'm somewhat confused. The rest of my setup should be good for around 350rwhp but it seems I can't get past my injector duties. 12psi on an HKS turbo is relatively low so i'm hoping to wind some more boost in but don't want to at the expense of my engine!
  12. Not quite right. Many series 2's don't have ABS. Mine included. I'm sure there is a thread on differences in the FAQ section.
  13. Contact Steve-SST I've posted this exact question before...search is your friend
  14. I don't know what it's like over in the 'gong but here in the west, i know of no-one that has ever been picked up for their FMIC by the fuzz. Unwanted dickheads is another story but i can say i've never had any problems except for the VL turbo stereotype wanting a drag. My 'cooler takes up my whole front bar and i've never had any problems. Just 2c to stir to the pot a little. Good luck finding what you want but like yogi000 said, they are out there but prices can be quite large (especially considering a 600x300x76 hybrid cooler is under $600 these days + piping)
  15. I'm beginning to think that GTST's didn't come with them. Tom, where do you wire the sensor into to get it to work if I was to get a 20kohm jobbie? Anyone else got any input on this issue?
  16. Hi all, Just fitted my PowerFC and one of the monitor options is air temperature. My car however, does not have a value for this. Do GTST's come factory with an air intake temperature sensor? Can you fit one and get it to work with PFC? If so, any information you could give would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
  17. Cheers anyway Paul, but the PowerFC is now in and until I get my act together to get it tuned, will be running the base map only. Don't think it would take to kindly to a big boost power run for the sake of a good show. Next time, i'll be within 100rwhp of you! (i hope :bonk: )
  18. I think you're probably just being paranoid. I too got my pistons through rocket quickly and for a good price. They get the thumbs up from me
  19. I might make the trip over to SST to watch but not to participate. My beast isn't going on again until the PFC is tuned. Last reliable measure was 314rwhp @ 14psi so i'll get the PFC in and blow you all away (well some of you) at a later date.
  20. Brendan, I think we all go through that stage. Hell, as Niz listed, most of us have done the "break one thing, fix it, break the next thing". It's an expensive little exercise to say the least, never mind some other little poor excuse for a human doing damage to your beast. That really gives me the shits. The thing is, I know that when i get home or get back to my car in the car park and look around, I love what I see when i see my car. Look around, they stand out, they are a great car. I have considered many a time what i would get next but can't find a worthy substitute under $50K. Nothing comes close. I don't think that i could walk out of my house, look at my ford ute and smile everytime like i do when i see my skyline. It's a sense of pride I just can't compare against. Just think about it, especially considering you only just got your R34! Cheers!
  21. One could have a large meal on that dish... :drooling:
  22. Now now, let's not crack that 'ol nut again. I drive an R33, yes, there certainly are a fair few around nowdays but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Excels, Falcons, Commodores and most other commercially sold cars in Australia, there are lots of. This includes the R31 skyline. Although like you say Tom, there probably isn't many with RB25's. However, logically speaking there's gotta be more 31's than 33's around in general. I highly doubt that the number of 33's on our roads, particularly here in WA are in the thousands but i'd say it's a safe bet that there are thousands of R31's. INASNT also made no reference to performance or specs and merely commented that there are R31's that look like yours around. I personally like this thread cause it certainly highlights some of the "do's" and "don't do's" to all skyline models but ultimately it's your own opinion as to which you think is an utter shitter and which is da bomb. Peace! :hippy: Dave
  23. Thanks for your responses. For an everyday user that doesn't race or anything like that but enjoys driving a skyline for the sake of driving of skyline, i don't think i'll ever log any results or for that matter, own a datalogit. Therefore, although obviously a fully integrated system would ultimately be better, I don't think i can really justify the extra expense or hassle for getting the boost kit if my existing EBC is going to work just as well. I'm very happy with my Blitz unit, it does a great job so i may just leave it as that.
  24. Really? no one hey? i find it hard to believe that no-one out there has an opinion on PowerFC + Boost kit vs PowerFC + EBC. What are you people all using for those that run a PowerFC?
  25. I actually asked this question in another thread about the PowerFC boost kit however it probably deserves it own thread. I have just bought a PFC + HC (thanks Greenline!) and already have an EBC (Blitz Dual SBC). My question is, is it worth selling the Blitz EBC and getting the boost kit for the PFC rather than have my current EBC controlling my boost? Currently my Blitz EBC has 4 settings which i do tend to flick between quite often (wet, economy, fast, faster!) so i do quite enjoy having that luxury but am unsure how changing the boost on a separate EBC affects my tune on my PFC? Any input you could give would be appreciated. Cheers!
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