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Everything posted by evade

  1. videos here - http://aaronactive.net/videos/2008-04_WRXDeca/ uploading them as i go through so check back tomorrow/later tonight and there will be more.. if im not slacking off
  2. oooo other S15's... look out
  3. Get a decent zoom lens if you want some good shots @ deca!
  4. yeah that helps..also watching other cars, jumping in as passenger for people.. good fun
  5. hahah yes i know you used the template still, looks like it'll be fun.. i'm yellow..does that count..
  6. event schedule is up too http://www.wrx.com.au/downloads/DECA%20Apr...%20Schedule.pdf looks suspiciously familiar..............
  7. *edit* ok so wrx guys meeting at donnybrook 6am for 615 departure..sheesh
  8. haha i thought the same thing
  9. punc·tu·al Audio Help (pŭngk'chōō-əl) Pronunciation Key adj. 1. Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt. 2. Paid or accomplished at or by the appointed time.
  10. ahahah theres no curtains? i dont even know what the place looks like lol
  11. booked @ tutor in a spa room...haha
  12. Haha yes they are slack at responding to queries.. im in this...interested to see how they run it compared to sauvic.
  13. bec what you on about?? i said wednesday!
  14. Haha..faxmachine meltdown @ 430pm wednesday..
  15. these threads never go well.. theres always gonna be the "he should have been driving like x" and "common sense" comments coming up
  16. damn sam no good this entry thing was a bit confusing..didnt know what the classes were and what not since ive never done a WRX day before. sorted it though..associate under 3lt class here i come..
  17. im surprised this thread is still open...
  18. ok ok.. im going too.
  19. exactly..they cant..
  20. vicdrift events are cancelled, but i heard that calder are running their own drift events still.. apparently.
  21. hey bec did you end up finding out about those ASAAs?
  22. would've been a good idea to get your license no stamped on the rims somewhere i guess but doubt theres much chance of you getting them back.. +1 what rims were they and whats the ebay link maybe this guy just found a photo of your car with the same rims and is using that..
  23. haha bec.. the pleasure pit..all female dealers are in lingerie..and two podiums on each side with ladies dancing away in more lingerie. nothing dodgy about it at all.. cept the $25 a hand tables..
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