Well again it was an awesome day..
apologies to not making the 630 sat morning convoy..my phone's speaker just died so couldnt hear alarm, messages, craig calling..etc..
woke up at 7 and bolted down to shep, thanks to mav and bec for getting me all reged and scruitineered
thanks to all the ladies and gents who run/official/cook for the event to make it what it is despite being stuck out in the heat!
some quick memories from the day:
group2's struggle with one course - i think we went through about 5-6 cars before someone got it right..
scott chucking my camera on his roof, and coming to me and saying how cool the video was going to be...then to check it and find they didnt push REC. haha.
jeff's audi S4..that thing sounded awesome.
finally seeing big red.. sounding tuff and looking the goods...