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  1. In good condition Pick up Annandale or Ermington, Sydney $150 ONO
  2. Oh wow, have cops ever said anything about it?
  3. Wishing this was legal :'(
  4. Hey guys, I've got this strange electronic whirring noise coming from the engine bay of my M35. I recently had a minor accident (rear ended someone) and just got the car back after two months of getting f**ked around by insurance company + shipping time. Anyway, any thoughts what it might be. It seemingly doesn't happen until the car is warm and has been driven for a bit. Here's a video of the sound: The car also screams on start up even though all the belts have been replaced in case that is related. Just want to work out what I'm in for before I start fighting just car again. Sigh.
  5. Hey guys, so I rear ended someone who stopped suddenly the other day (my fault) and I'm currently going through the shit fight of dealing with Just Car Insurance. I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on what I should be careful with to ensure everything gets fixed. I hit the other car straight on. Cosmetically it doesn't look too bad but after driving it there was a noticeable shudder (any thoughts on what this could be?) , the radiator or something is busted (cause it was steaming), there was a crack in the "glass-fibre composite" material behind the FMIC. Any other thoughts on what else could be broken (I couldn't get the bonnet open to assess the damage myself) Also, anyone have any experience dealing with insurance claims on these things? I can't even begin to work out how the insurance company is gonna go trying to get part numbers etc for it haha.
  6. So I've had a belt that was slipping/screaming on start up for a few months now and hadn't gotten around to fixing It. Today when I started the car it took a long time to stop slipping and was running pretty rough. Clunking through gears etc. Then all of a sudden I lost the speedo, temperature guage is moving up and down sporadically, pretty much every guage is acting strange and I have ABS warning light and AT check warning light. Any thoughts as to what might be causing this? Seems unusual that it would have anything to do with the belt and maybe that's just a coincidence? ECU problem perhaps? Help!
  7. Sorry about this thread, I'm sure this is covered somewhere but I can't find it. Does anyone know what light globe I am after for the brake light (just the standard side ones, not the wing)? Don't have time to pull it apart to check. Thanks!
  8. In the market for an upgraded exhaust system. Will consider anything other than stock, anyone got anything good?
  9. So, last night was driving my M35 home in the rain. Was driving a little "spiritedly" and in first gear I went to put the car under full boost and all of a sudden it got to about 3000rpm and then wouldn't get past that in any gear. Tested again this morning, once it gets to 3000rpm it doesn't get any boost and the car feels like it's shuddering. I can still hear the turbo spinning at lower rpms and no noticeable change in sound, it still revs freely to red line in neutral. The car is almost at 160,000kms so I'm expecting the turbo to die soon but don't want to get it sent for a rebuild unless I know that's the issue. I haven't looked extensively but all the hoses that I can reach look to be in good shape and the clamps seem tight. Any thoughts guys?
  10. Thanks for the tips. Well I swapped the head unit over but used the same wiring jack (it was the same brand so didn't require a rewire). However it doesn't make sense that it would be a short circuit to me because surely then it would be blowing fuses and it wouldn't matter what volume it's at, right? Is there something else in the wiring of the Stagea that could cause this?
  11. Well I have never checked the labels on the speakers underneath the door cards but unless someone has previously changed the centre console all signs point to no. No sub in boot etc or anything either. Would it change the situation if they were the bose speakers?
  12. Hey Scotty, Thanks for the advice. I had thought the same so I went out and bought an amplifier but it did not solve the problem. It seemed to solve the problem for about two days and then right back into it the only difference is that now the volume/power comes in waves; ie it will drop off, then come back a few seconds later, then off again etc. In the past the volume cut until you skipped a track and then it would come back for a few seconds until it dropped off again. The only change that I can think of that happened on the third day that it started failing again is that it was a cold morning so I used the heater, is that possibly related? If any one has any advice it would be greatly appreciated!? we aren't even talking excessively loud volume here (just enough to be clearly audible with an open window) and it's an issue that I can never get to the bottom of.
  13. I'm sorry if this has been addressed before, I can't seem to find it. Does anyone have the part number for the Parker bulb in the M35 headlights? Additionally if anyone knows the number plate light globe part number that would be awesome, Thanks guys,
  14. My M35 runs an aftermarket headunit direct to speakers and I've had this issue since I bought it years ago. Basically if I turn my music up loud it lasts a few minutes (sometimes a solid 15 minutes or so) but eventually all quality is dropped, volume decreases and gets fuzzy/low end gets cut etc. I always thought it's probably just a faulty head unit but I've since replaced it and I have the exact same issue. Any thoughts on what it could be/how to fix it? I don't even know where to start? It's just a standard head unit wired in (no amps, subs etc) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  15. If you are talking about the Rocker Cover Gasket I think I got mine from Hornsby Nissan and it only took a day or two to get to me. I can't recall the part number but give them a call and I'm sure they can sort you out
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