Hey, i think that was my post but i lost all my account info for the other account.
I took him to court, the update on that was that i did (admit) to going 10km over the speed limit because there was no signs saying the limit so i assumed it was 60km when it was 50km.
I was abused by the officer who threw my license on the ground and when i told him to show me evidence he said if i think cops need evidence to place "scum" into a court room i should just rip up my license now.
When he was notified i was going to court he sent me 4-5 NEW infringements that he just made up, which were; 100km in a 50.
So i was facing 3-4 months in jail, loss of license for 4 years and $1200 fine. Also my car was going to be impounded and destroyed.
$7000 on legal fees later, i delayed the court to get off my P Plates so that i am not on them till im 30, i managed to get away with just 45 days loss license and $600 fine. I then had to go on good behavior so i could keep my license after that which lasts 12 months?
No evidence was ever presented in court on his behalf, he didn't even show up.
Cops can do whatever they want and the legal system will just let them get away with it. Luckily i had a good judge who my lawyer explained the situation and the judge said "i understand the situation however the law states i must act with good judgement on the police behalf that they are doing their job correctly and for the people".
I will PM you my number if you need any help or advice.