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The Dan

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About The Dan

  • Birthday 26/05/1980

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    Fiat 500
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  1. I've got a hoist for sale also if you're interested. 2 years light use at my shop that was in Yatala. 4500kg 2 post American Bendpak. It's a single phase hoist also so works on regular 240v connection.
  2. If you want to make an offer, PM me and I'll consider it.
  3. You should try to avoid pushing air into the master cylinder. It is bad practice. There are places where the air can be trapped and you will have difficulty getting it out. That's why you should always bleed the master cylinder on the bench before fitting a new one. I'm unsure how you would feed fluid into the slave cylinder anyway. if you're just attaching a hose to the nippple and the hose sits in the bottle of new fluid, that won't always work either. It is quite easy for air to be drawn past the threads of the bleed nippple into the system. This method may have worked for you though. I'm not saying it won't. I'm just saying it is less likely to work in all situations but moreso it can cause problems not easily diagnosed.
  4. I'm not selling anything off the car separately at this stage. Only what's listed above at the listed prices.
  5. I'm off to bed folks. Nice chatting. Good luck with your LS Nick
  6. Please don't compare any part of me to the ugly stepchild of Nissan. R32 is still the best looking car on the planet. Your 33 was a mistake. Even Nissan admit it when they changed the 34 back to look and design of the 32. I rang Nissan the other day. I said 'how bout them 33's huh?' f**ker hung up on me
  7. Dude, I'm 33. GTFO
  8. The two 8 second cars I built engines for, I wouldn't have been able to do without his advise/knowledge over the years I had known Marty. He's the king when it comes to that stuff
  9. Damn you for making me look at that f**king picture again..... cunt
  10. I'm not sure exactly where he moved to. He used to be in Deshon St Woolloongabba next to Chilton Engineering but moved about a year ago. If you are doing the work all yourself, I'd offer him money to give you advise. He's an extremely busy man but if you are paying for a little of his time, I'm sure you'll get every bit of info you need
  11. Yeah I used to sell against him all the time. Why's that?
  12. It's not worth understanding. Better to forget and move on. It had a lot to do with no one wanting to do the work the club needed to get where it needed, people putting their hand up because they knew it needed to be done and no one else would do it, then everyone complaining about how the job was done or whatever. That's basically the general gist of what went down....for about 6 years
  13. Shit! sorry I tagged that f**king aweful photo back in...
  14. I can offer advise, whether it's good or not would be another story. Probably the best person in the entire world you can talk to is Marty White from John White Race Engines. He can even build it for you if you want a tough engine. Marty has specialised in v8 killer engines for decades (read 30+ years). They build all that sorta stuff for the speedboats they race. 1000+hp N/A etc
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