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The Dan

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Everything posted by The Dan

  1. Talk to DOU33, he might be nice enough to let me lend you his til then...his car won't be going til the end of next week anyway but as long as they come back.
  2. Actually the line up in the driveway is 1 x 31 (rebuild) 3 x 32's (Lights, injectors, clutch pedal box, seat belt, turbo) 1 x 33 (10G upgrade) 1 x 34 (alternator) 1 x Datto 1200 ute (brakes, lights, carbi o/haul, service) 1 x VL turbo Calais (rebuild) 1 x VH Commodore 330 stroker (another rebuild) Finished tonight: 2 x 32 1 x 34 Not many to go now lol.
  3. My girlfriend's language skills? wtf...I didn't know your mum wanted to take things to the next level. BTW it's $55/hour and I charged him $235 to remove, repair and re-fit the clutch pedal box plus do a full injector service (replacing his with a full set that I have spare as his was leaking from the injector body).
  4. You Sir....are an idiot! To start with, how dare you make fun of his english! He can call it a tolltruck if he likes as he already stated that his english was not so good. Secondly....From his description over the phone, it sounded like the clutch slave cylinder had let go in which case I carry a spare and can do it on the side of the road...in fact it takes only about half an hour. So what is wrong with going out to at least see what the problem might be, and then attempt to fix it or sort it out another way. It turns out that it was his pedal box that had split which is common in the 32's where a heavy clutch has been fitted. This meant it could not be repaired on the side of the road. Thirdly....he has only been in the country for 7 months and hardly knows anyone who would be able to help him out. He also had his girlfriend with him. Imagine being stuck on the side of the road in a country you hardly know with no-one to call and ask for help. I think you would be in a slight panic as well. Fourth....He didn't ask me to come out and hold his hand, he asked me for help so I gave what I could. He was stressed, his g/f was stressed. I hadn't had lunch yet so I went up to the servo to grab a sandwich...while there I thought they might be thirsty so I grabbed a bottle of water. Who knows....an hour in the sun and you might be thirsty as well. It's called thinking of others. So before you open your fat unwelcome mouth here....think about it! coz you aren't the only person on the planet. I dislike your attitude, I dislike nearly every post you have made on SAU to date, and I dislike you. You never have anything nice to say to anyone and you bring nothing to the club or the site. SO PISS OFF MATE!!!
  5. Difference is in the wiring. 3 wires compared to 4
  6. yes it is
  7. he already did
  8. He's not round Brissy but he is by far the best with Microtech and that is Craig Dyson from Dyson Rotary. He's down the coast
  9. That's only coz the engine would be apart. Injector service including labour to R&R by itself is $150
  10. It's about 6 months in the future....lol Nah, still working from the garage. But is located in Wynnum West.
  11. You don't wanna be one, I probably get paid worse than you.
  12. You mean you actually think mechanics do something during the day....nah we just lean up against the hoists and sink beers, make up stories, laugh at random comments, then drive all the cars out and charge the customers for work we never even did.....ahhh it's a great life.
  13. Love the kind words fellas...keep 'em coming. And yeah like Col said, if you aren't mechanically minded, know anyone who is, know anyone who knows anyone who is, know anyone whose cousin's friend knows someone who is....then I'm your man But honestly, even if you are mechanically minded you shouldn't tackle a rebuild with at least someone who has done it many times before to guide you. It's a little more than slapping nuts and bolts together.
  14. Well I can still do a full rebuild for $3200 for you. That includes engine removal and refit....plus complete head service with valve regrind and new stem seals + guides...plus full block service, crack test, re-deck, hone, all gaskets, seals, oil, oil filter and labour. For an extra $100 I can get the injectors fully serviced as well. Anywayz...just another option for you... What happened to it by the way?
  15. Engine should cost you around $1500-$2000 for a decent one. 6-8 hours @ $55/hour = $330-$440 + any fluids, belts, filters, hoses that may be required. I would budget $2600 and you should be ok. I thought you were getting your rebuilt by someone at the moment Jay?
  16. Jumpy? ofcourse I'm jumpy....everyone is against me...rofl. Nah, I agree with you. You can have high hp without high torque but you can't have high torque without high hp. I'm all for torque, that's why I'm happy with my 600 odd Nm. I still don't have an impressive track time though. Trial turbo has the wrong setup. Even those who don't have the impressive torque or horsepower can achieve great results on the track....you've only gotta see Azzurra in action to know that.
  17. Check to make sure the wastegate actuator is not staying open. If it sticks or is getting stuck on something then it will be bypassing the exhaust gasses around the turbine. The easiest way to test this device is with a radiator pressure tester. Use it to pump pressure into the housing and confirm that the pressure it opens at is equal to the factory specs. If check is ok remove the mounting point where the actuator connects to the wastegate arm. There should be a small circlip. Use a pick or small screwdriver to remove it but be careful not to lose it. Check to make sure the arm moves freely and can open and close fully without interuption. Check to see how easily the arm moves back and forth in the diaphragm. It should be difficult to move.
  18. That is correct.
  19. 4"...WOW! That must be some huge inlet you've got. I'd hate to imagine the size of the turbo going on
  20. Who was that aimed at?...I don't recall assuming horsepower was the be all and end all of any equation. I work on facts. The fact is that if the Jetro was used, torque would have come on earlier...how is that not more "useable"? If Matt took the time to tune the Jetro on Col's car he would have achieved a greater result. After all he is the God of tuning is he not? Give him any system and he can do great things...the point I am getting at is that given his experience in tuning it would have been far better to utilise his skills on a BETTER setup. Can anyone disprove that the D-Jetro is a better system? If so you had better be able to back up your claim with facts as I have. P.S. AFM bandwidth means sfa when the time is taken to set it up properly. The only con so far is cost of tuning and at best it would only be an extra $100-$200.
  21. Wow! that's like 0.5 of a litre more than normal.
  22. The Dan

    Where's Squizz?

    Yeah...that Daewoo actually made it off the sand.
  23. You are correct. The bandwidth is less but the Z32 has it's limit....and that limit is lower than the MAP sensor. There are many advantages in using the D-Jetro but like you said...does cost more to tune. I retract my lazy statement as I was not there for the conversation. It would have been nice to see the D-Jetro in action as many tuners turn away from them. I have no doubt that Matt can do it but it would have been nice to see the overall result. One thing I can guarantee is that you would have had a much sharper throttle response and would have made more power on the D-Jetro.
  24. The map sensor setup is just as accurate as an air flow meter. The map sensor is just a bit harder to tune. Plus you eliminate the AFM which is well known to become un-reliable. If you have a 2 bar map sensor (which is usually the case in most of the up-to-date stuff), you will have no problems tuning your car to that level whereas an AFM has it's limits for accuracy. You also have the overfueling issue of an AFM as you throttle off. All the air that has been drawn in by the turbocharger has been measured by the AFM and once the throttle has closed the system is expecting all of that air which is not being delivered. A 20-30rwkw gain is not uncommon when swapping the two systems over from Normal to D-Jetro. That is also why all of the top name brand aftermarket ECU's use a MAP sensor setup. I have nothing against Matt Spry and think he is nothing short of tuning genius but....in this case...he is just being lazy because the D-Jetro is a far better setup.
  25. the gtst radiators are the exact same. Well at least on the 32 and 33 they are.
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