All dynamics dynos are equal in shootout mode. That is why they implemented it, so that tuners could accurately compare results. It's not right when people say...."oh but on Joe Bloggs dyno it reads less (or more) than it really is". If it's in shootout mode - everyone is equal.
You would set up the supercharger on an actuator which opens a valve for the turbos to take over. The supercharger will boost instantly giving you awesome take off, then when it reaches it's desired pressure of say 10psi the actuator opens the valve for the turbochargers from then on. That way you don't get reverse boost while the turbos are spooling and the pressure will only go one way. I have seen this set up on a corolla before and it worked extremely well.
A reliable 400rwhp RB25/30 shouldn't cost you more than $6000. I've done the figures many times. You just have to get all the parts yourself and not rely on Mary Markup to get them for you.
Thought I'd step in here. Hey Ben how's things?
Anyway....RB30 with the RB25 head and a few other simple mods will absolutely wet over any pissant RB26.
For starters...
1. engine capacity is greater so there is much more torque
2. Rb25 head flows more than the Rb26
3. RB25/30 engine will cost you $200 to fix if you lose a bearing or break the bottom end.
4. MUCH MORE HORSEPOWER can be made from an RB25/30 than any other RB engine.
The only downfalls of the RB30 is they don't have the oil jets for the pistons....which can be sourced and placed easily enough.
The RB30 oil pumps are disigned weaker than the other RB engine so when they are punching out loads of torque they snap the snout of the pump off.
Signing off...
Everything EXPERT!
I tried searching for the answer to that problem with the SAU search engine and this is the answer it gave me....
So it turns out that your thread is actually causing the SAU search engine to be completely f**ked.
Sorry, the search doesn't lie.
DR DRIFT is coming to Brisbane in a week. He still has a couple of spots left so if you are interested PM me and I'll give you details.
Sam is one of the best tuners I know and there are massive gains to be had just from the initial remap. 20-30rwkw in most cases. Be quick as these spots will fill up quickly!
DR DRIFT will be back up in Brisbane in a week if anyone with a 32, 34, 180, or 200 is interested....or if you want just a general power run. He still has a couple of spots left if anyone wants.
The Rhino used to be female but had the change done.....and not one of those tuck it in jobbies either...the full surgery - horn and all.
Hope this has cleared up your dilema.