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The Dan

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Everything posted by The Dan

  1. Are the oil temps doing the same thing? If not, then I would do as above and make the coolant double pass if you can. Hard if the tanks are top and bottom, easy if they are on the side (which on a skyline they almost always aren't) You could also try a lower flowing water pump. Flowing too fast causes cavitation and, therefore, higher surface tension of the water. A lower flowing pump in a car that revs much higher constantly can often be the only thing required to get those temps back down. Or you could try an electric one
  2. How is pwnd anyway? I couldn't make it up to the hospital last time Noel. Did they sort out the chair for him this time?
  3. Shit, that's a bit of a rip off. We only charge $1500 for something like that
  4. You're right. That's like trying to sell a shitbox clapped out S15 for $20+ grand
  5. part number you need from supercheap/autobarn/repco is 97259 but you are better off buying one from Nissan. Never had a Nissan one leak before. Has shitloads of aftermarket ones leak
  6. That depends on who makes the camshaft and what they specify it to be. But anything different than a step1 or type1 for most manufacturers would be considered modified. I don't think any of them do a 9.25 step 1. I'm guessing it's a Tomei?, if that is the case, then 9.15 is the highest 'drop in' they do from memory Although not sure Tomei even do a 9.25 and cbf looking
  7. Yes, that's because you are using 32 base circle. You need to use reduced base circle for anything over 9.1
  8. Largest I have fit without relieving material was a JUN 9.7mm camshaft Pretty sure a 10mm may touch, 10.25 definitely will, 9.15 will piss it in
  9. I just don't understand what you want. You clearly don't want the normal drift button that is available at the imports parts stores. You don't want to modify your standard handbrake which is the exact same thing as the aftermarket button attachment except it's free. You don't want to spend $100 on the handle and button replacement from cusco. The tape doesn't tickle your fancy.... So there is no pleasing you then?
  10. +1 Have to mod the reo and custom make all the brackets with every cooling pro cooler I have ever fitted
  11. nah man, this is for drifting. Duct tape is way too expensive
  12. The price of steel has gone up. I can see how they could justify the cost LMAO!!
  13. S13's have the most clearance from memory, R32's have less and R33's have the least clearance. I think 47mm is going to be too much but it depends on how far forward the turbo is sitting also. If the centre cartridge is in line with the back of the 2nd cylinder runner, then it should clear the strut tower. If it's in between the 2nd and 3rd cylinders, I think it will touch. 3rd cylinder runner and you got no chance
  14. R32 - RB2530 - GT3788R - just enough room to get a screw driver between the comp cover and the cam cover to undo the screw if needed. R33 - RB2530 - GT3788R - as above R33 GTR - RB26 - GT3788R - as above R32 GTR - RB26 - GT3582R - about 20mm S13 - RB25 - GT3082R - about 20mm There are more but that should give you enough of an idea
  15. Sounds like he might have a cracked pedal box. This will make the pedal engage at an angle. The pin will bend if it does this too much. 400rwhp is not all that much. A heavy clutch is not really required.
  16. Haha yeah, it's often the simple things that get missed isn't it
  17. Metal filings only if the lower bottom end lets go. If pistons collect valves, nothing will show up in the oil
  18. The engine will still start if it's one tooth only. He would be looking for 2 or more teeth out so it should stand out pretty clear. But yeah, even if it's moved one, something has gone wrong
  19. You need to make sure all the timing marks line up first. Stop cranking that engine over. If you have bent a valve, you risk snapping it, then the next rotation could drive the stem into the head. Backfires indicate a timing issue of some sort. As above, make sure those marks are aligned before proceeding......for the sake of knowing you aren't doing any further damage
  20. agreed. if you have no air leaks, take off the cas and timing cover to see if anything has gone walkabout
  21. The CAS sends the signal to the ECU for engine position so if it wasn't working, you'd have no injector pulse or spark
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