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  1. I got my split dump put in just a few days ago, car seems to have a much deeper/meaner sounding grunt, however does feel alot more sluggish when coming onto boost, almost regretting getting it put in atm, im just hoping ill see a bit of a benefit in the higher rev ranges - havnt actually experimented too much with this due to the hot weather.
  2. That was my mates car, his got a mean looking front bar and some damn nice rims, i was in the silver r33.
  3. Think i saw a few runs of yours before you left, some nice times mate well done. I was there for the first time last night and had a great time. Unfortunantly got there pretty late (7:30ish) due to work and traffic conditions etc but still got in 6 runs. Cant wait to get out there again and try improve my times. Best time of the night for me was a 13.8 @ 107 with a 2.25 60ft time. Best 60ft time for the night was a 2.17, however i think i rode the clutch abit too much cause it starting slipping in 2nd gear (i think, cant remember exactly was too caught up in the moment), ended up hitting rev limiter etc slowing me down and only managed a 14.0 @ 103. Ive got a brass button clutch so thinking it just got abit too hot and slipped?? All my runs ended up being in the high 13's area, hoping with a better 60ft time next time might be able to bring that down to mid 13's or perhapes slightly better! With a 107 trap speed that should be possible? Was running 10psi all night, cooler, exhaust (stock dump), safc, ebc. Had a mad time and cant wait to do it again, hopefully meet a few of you other skylines lads next time.
  4. Will i need access to a hoist to properly examine it?
  5. Well now im interested to hear ur opinions. Should i fork out some cash and do some r&d to find out what i actually have, or in your opinions is it defintely a stock turbo, which perhapes has had a fairly easy life so is generally making quite good power. I'm also curious as to how you've gone wiht ur split dump-pipe paul, and was it actually worth doing. I'm just wondering if its worth getting a new dump pipe, given that theyre gonna have to take it off anyway to check the turbo, if i do take that road.
  6. I like to think that i didnt rush them, i was perfectly happy leaving the car there longer than a day if need be, however that wasn't the case. The reason they didnt replace the AFM was that Nigel informed me that he believed it wasnt necessary, and i would see absolutly no gain from doing so. (besides the fact that he'd have to re-tune the car) Basically the reason for my car going to ice was for the timing belt and water pump, i at that time queried Nigel on the fact that a previous tuner had added a significant amount of fuel in as opposed to leaning it out (on SAFC fuel correction is always in + never in -). He agreed that this was strange and most likely meant a problem relating to fuel pressure, either way he agreed to take a look and try to diagnose the problem, which ended up being the AFM. He was also nice enough to chuck it on the dyno abd 'fine tune' it so to speak.
  7. Sorry havnt had a chance to get dyno sheet scanned yet, will post up soon, unfortunantly it wasn't done in shootout mode. mine made 195kw on ice dyno with stock boost (7-8psi), safc2/fmic/3" exhaust. - justin This leads me to believe theres nothing 'special' about my turbo afterall, unless yours isnt completely stock? Everything my friend has mentioned is true in regards to the service at ice, cant thank them enough, they not only did a great job, but didnt simply hand over the keys and tell me cya later. Had a great chat with Nigel about many aspects of the car who was more then willing to answer all of my questions. Best service ive had so far, id like to thank them all for doing a great job.
  8. I'd be a hell of alot happier if i knew what was actually done to it Ill post dyno sheets later tonight when i can get hold of a camera/scanner. Out of interest, what figures have other people gotten on the ice dyno with a 'stock' turbo and what boost?
  9. For sale: R33 GTR fuelpump - $250 pm if interested.
  10. also wondering how signficant the power increase from 10 to 12psi would be, as in woudl it even be worth taking the risk?
  11. I have recently decided to get my car tuned and was just wanted to get some feedback off you guys in regards to how much boost you run. (preffibly from those guys running similar mods to my own). Its an r33 gts-t, stock turbo, fmic, eboost cont, hks air filter (with cold air intake), SAFC2, 3' exhaust all the way. Car is about to reach 100,000km. I've told the tuner id like the turbo to last for quite abit longer, so hes suggested to tune it at 12psi. Personally ive never boosted the car more than 10psi, but he has assured me 12 to be safe in most cases. Just wondering how many of you run this on a daily basis, and if you've had any problems?
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