Hey everyone, there's a meet being hosted by Estblsh'd next weekend to commemorate Paul Walker as well as to get together during this festive season. For more details check out the link https://www.facebook.com/events/182997225240758/. For details about the pre-meet just scroll down, SAU represent!
BRIEF DETAILS: The meet will have a fast and furious theme to remember the big man including music and what not and there will be a BBQ as well. Anti-social behavior will not be tolerated, no hooning or rev bashing or burnouts.
WHEN? Next Sunday 15th of December, 2013.
WHERE? PAC HQ - Unit 1, 2-4 Heland Place, Braeside, Victoria.
TIME? 12:00pm - 3:00pm
It is encouraged that you bring anything that is Fast and the Furious related!
PRE-MEET: Clayton Mc Donalds http://goo.gl/maps/bNg0H
WHERE? Clayton Mc Donalds 1461 North Road (Crn of North Rd/Princes Highway) 3168 (the maccas near Monash Uni Clayton Campus)
Meet at 11:15am
Leave by 11:35am
If we have more numbers then i'll move the pre-meet to a larger car-park near-by.
Cheers brahs and brahettes hope to see some of you on sunday!