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Everything posted by r34abz

  1. Lol yeah it is mate, i'm a p-plater myself so feel free to come along with us.
  2. +1. drove hard top convertible 325i and 335i, tt is much quicker but service costs are a bit dearer. it's already quick stock but if you mod it a lil bit it'll be bonkers quick!
  3. awesome weather today. -____-
  4. new premeeting place is sandown bunnings on prinny 754-768 Princes Highway, Springvale, VIC 3171. Easy access for the low lyf haha.
  5. is that new bunnings open??
  6. No worries man lemme know closer to the date.
  7. Hey everyone, there's a meet being hosted by Estblsh'd next weekend to commemorate Paul Walker as well as to get together during this festive season. For more details check out the link https://www.facebook.com/events/182997225240758/. For details about the pre-meet just scroll down, SAU represent! BRIEF DETAILS: The meet will have a fast and furious theme to remember the big man including music and what not and there will be a BBQ as well. Anti-social behavior will not be tolerated, no hooning or rev bashing or burnouts. WHEN? Next Sunday 15th of December, 2013. WHERE? PAC HQ - Unit 1, 2-4 Heland Place, Braeside, Victoria. TIME? 12:00pm - 3:00pm It is encouraged that you bring anything that is Fast and the Furious related! PRE-MEET: Clayton Mc Donalds http://goo.gl/maps/bNg0H WHERE? Clayton Mc Donalds 1461 North Road (Crn of North Rd/Princes Highway) 3168 (the maccas near Monash Uni Clayton Campus) Meet at 11:15am Leave by 11:35am If we have more numbers then i'll move the pre-meet to a larger car-park near-by. Cheers brahs and brahettes hope to see some of you on sunday!
  8. Awesome! Keen to see your 34, looks dope in the pics. I'll make a post about pre meet tonight for anyone else interested.
  9. Anyone going to the Establsh'd: remembering Paul Walker meet next week? I'll be there, SAU represent!
  10. tandoori den in camberwell is pretty good imo though i hardly ever eat at indian restaurants i liked it
  11. Car is looking bloody tough Tony, great work brah keen to see it sometime!
  12. brahs, i haven't got anything in the mail yet but i have the fines that the cop gave me on the spot. should i write the letter now or wait till it comes?
  13. g'morning.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pK8ohZC5HA Cruising along the beach with this on repeat.
  15. haven't heard this in a while, it really takes you on a feel trip so good.
  16. that is so dope! great pic mate.
  17. "It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide. He was a passenger in a friend's car, in which both lost their lives. We appreciate your patience as we too are stunned and saddened beyond belief by this news. Thank you for keeping his family and friends in your prayers during this very difficult time. We will do our best to keep you apprised on where to send condolences. - #TeamPW" R.I.P. Skyline Guy.
  18. is it legit?? story i just read said crashed into a tree and the porsche was on fire however the two occupants of the vehicle are yet to identified. :S
  19. I got done by the same guy, he popped my bonnet I told him it's a non turbo he looks at it says "there's a pod filter but looks like no front mounted intercooler"
  20. was driving normally 5th gear doing about 70-75 in a 80 zone coming back home from work literally 2 mins away from home yellow one pops up out of nowhere tailgaits me puts the lights on and shit. Partner was a good bloke but main guy was pretty rude. He warned me for my rear licence plate for being bent and unable to read from a 45 deg angle. Got a fine for driving manual on auto licence (my fault for not booking my test sooner so not complaining left my car at site and walked home) but also for "failing to display p-plate rear" even though it was up and on factory uv cut tint that has passed Rwc he said he couldn't see it and gave me a fine and 3 points....I was on 1 point before this so licence is bye bye unless I contest.
  21. got pulled over and done by hwp an hour ago...
  22. that is a mint photo!
  23. haha sweet I'll be on the look out I'll be in a faded blue hoodie
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