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Everything posted by mcnamg

  1. cool let me know what you need and I will try to help
  2. im running the same size as Ska no issues here but found that the issue with going larger was width of the rims
  3. Wow cant believe I missed this one but shows how busy I have been with work I havent been able to check on here for ages. If you want any help at all I am happy to contribute I have hundreds of images and have the original HTML files on my computer with all the Stagea stuff from my original website and some videos as well. If you want me to send you anything in particular or want me to help in any other way let me know and I will be happy to do what I can Cheers Glenn
  4. Maybe start a new thread in the stag section as this is a little bit off topic cheers
  5. spotted 2 stags today one in spearwood at the spearwood ave lights near bunnings was a silver series one with black rims and an aftermarket zorst and another in ellenbrook which was a series 2 with a dcimports sticker on the back window it was silver with an aftermarket zorst as well and had personalised number plates
  6. Spotted a series one silver stag on stirling highway bridge near canning highway intersection last night about 1730 had a sayz bodykit on it and the dark grey surrounds around the number plate.
  7. Spotted a Red series one with black rims on Banister Rd in Canning Vale on Tuesday night I was driving through the carpark at the Australia Post there and you went past heading towards South St
  8. I installed mine today and have a couple of questions. They look great during the day but when i turn my headlights on at night and the dash lights up they are veeery dark and the old dials show through behind the new ones the bold lines on the 10km/h marks are bigger on the old ones and its a bit weird. Tried to take a pic but it didnt come out so good
  9. Kezza, Do these globes just plug right in as a straight fit? Also is it a case of replacing one normal bulb or do you need less of these bulbs? Finally would you be able to update the LED's in the climate control with these or would you use a different type of LED Cheers Glenn
  10. Shaun, Yeah that was me. Hope the trees dont drop too much gunk on your car while parked there.
  11. i bought my full kit from blitz who are the supplier of motorvation imports. The kits are a copy of the dolphin aero kit and for series 1 at least they dont have the grille but do have the bumpers front and rear skirts and wing. http://www.blitsbodykits.com.au/index.php?pr=Products
  12. its like school holidays every day in here read the same thing every couple of days. should start a word document for templates for replying to stupid posts so you dont need to waste enery explaining the same 5 boost controller to every person who buys a stagea
  13. If the kit they are offering on the series 1 is the same as the one they used to sell then you dont need to organise a group buy you can go direct to the local manufacturer that makes them for them and they will ship it to you within 14 days as they are made to order.
  14. spotted a white 260rs or at least a white stag with a 260rs kit on Parry Ave Bull Creek last night about 5:!5pm. I am seeing stags everywhere at the moment
  15. spotted a series 1 with chrome rims this morning turning onto armidale road had a forsale sign on it and he waved back when i waved. also have seen radiums car every morning last week on mounts bay road. also spotted a white series 2 stagea with r34 gtt rims at bp in thompsons lake tonight about 7pm was nobody in it
  16. Spotted Shaun (Radiums) Stagea parked on mounts bay road this morning on my way to work
  17. For some reason my wife has not been too keen to drive it until the other day when we were going somewhere with her sister following in another car and they pulled up next to us to turn onto the highway. The onramp goes from 2 lanes into one and I didnt want to get stuck behind their truck (holden jackaroo) so as soon as i was aorund the corner and pointing down the onramp i floored it up to the speed limit. My wife turned to me in shock and said i didnt know it could do that after it had blasted down the ramp at warp speed and then asked when she could drive. now i will never get the keys back she is a more agressive driver than I am
  18. was sitting in the carpark outside sizzler the other day waiting for my sister in law to arrive and some guys who were lining up outisde the door were giving the car funny looks and then peeled off from the queue and walked down and around the car to look at the back to find out what the hell it was.
  19. spotted a black series 2 stagea on alexander drive about 6pm sat night caught up to him and drove next to him for a while till he turned off waved but his dark tint meant i couldnt see if he/she responded
  20. That might have been me heading to the grandparents to pick up my daughter. I also spotted a silver series 1 with aftermarket rims in the carpark at sizzler in Riverton on friday night
  21. would have thought best way to get over it would be part it off get rid of it and get it out of your sight not have to look at it every time you drive off
  22. if you have any more front cupholders i am definately interested in them
  23. spotted a series 1 stagea in white at melville car company on monday has a dayz bodykit on it. At the exact same time I spotted a red series 1 parked out the front of Beaurepairs in melville directly across the road from the white one. I also spotted my own car parked out the front the car stereo shop on the opposite corner. I was on my way to pick it up from having my new head unit installed. Was pretty cool 3 stags in a 100m square area all by chance.
  24. terminal i am keen for the rear cupholders pm me a price inc postage to 6164 WA and we will go from there cheers Glenn
  25. i need the front and rear cupholders if they arent broken my rear one was broken when i got the car and i broke the front ones today
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