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Everything posted by mcnamg

  1. not yeat available to the public still working out the details but i ultimately want to provide a site where we can list DIY mods with pics and some detailed model information in english so everyone an understand it. any contributiuons would be muchly appreciated will let everyone know when its available
  2. official documents say 13l per 100 obviously being heavier it will be more than a skyline the tank is 68 litres in size
  3. you have the stagea brochure?? can you scan it and email it to me? would be great for my stagea site these are the sorts of things i think people would like to know
  4. its great to see the raw human aspect of japan the type of which you dont see in the tour guides or brochures. i guess that it would be a bit silly for us to think that wanton environmental destruction only occurs in places that arent as beautiful as japan but i guess where the hand of man can reach it does some damage. That mountainside looks hideous. I am sure that in its previous state it was a site to behold. thanks for the great and rich pictures youre a great photographer keep up the good work
  5. that angle looks mean as very nice i like the look of the spoiler free boot congrats rezz great car thanks for sharing
  6. yeah no worries i pinched them from a cool site that has little animated cars for every jdm make and model you can think of
  7. correct me if i am wrong but isnt japan 110 volts not 240?
  8. see everyones getting in on the stagea action love the new avatars i wonder who inspired those ....
  9. did anyone see the 1999 rs four v on www,imports101.com.au that sold for $13740 plus orc (stamp duty, tyres, rego) and compliance is this cheap or is it due to the k's 87000. I have seen some 1997 models with the same k's so figured thats why it was cheap but after seeing the bargain that eduardo got for his i was thinking maybe the price is dropping. btw eduardo who is doing the compliance?
  10. awesome man thats a nice ride what mods does it have? looks like a fmic behind the grille there cant believe you found a manual awesome
  11. mcnamg


    sciby: try here http://50mb.net/~hiroko/drift/sozainissan.htm they have lots of different cars on there mmmm more pics
  12. yeah i am thinking about getting some stickers made up that say "its not a bloody volvo!"
  13. mcnamg


    where can we find escort agencies like that oops i meant employment agencies more staff photos please
  14. the police focus more on revenue raising than any real police work i got broken into a while back and while all they stole was my mobile phone and some cds the cops didnt even want a statement they just werent interested they didnt talk to any neighbours they just said not likely to catch them too hard sorry and left it at that and thats after waiting 4 hours for them to turn up because it was a low priority. it seems they are like a business they have targets for everything. - number of ppls breath tested - number of cars roadworthiness checked - number of speeding fines issued - number of defects and the list goes on if they can make a buck thats what they will do. they cant make money from recovering my stolen goods or finding someone who beats someone up on the freeway even though a two year old with a computer linked to the registration system could probably produce a list of cars in that model and colour and year and with those digits in their rego thats like doing their job for them. Hang on they dont have a computer at the local HJ's where i always see them where are the real police keeping the streets safe from crime :confused: oh thats right there isnt any
  15. mcnamg


    gotta love that brand office wave :confused: more japanese engrish
  16. just doing my bit helping out and learning too i must admit my knowledge of cars is not the best. but i have been making an attempt to do most minor mechanical things myself in an effort to know how things work on my car and to help others too by passing on what i have learnt. just to give you an example i replaced the front brake discs on my wifes ford fairmont the other day it took me three hours to actually do it and about 30 mins on the net looking for how tos. I thought this would be soo hard as i have never really paid any attention to how they go together butit was one of the easiest things i have ever done. I found the information i needed on the ford forums. this just confirms why i think its good for ppl to share information on these forums.
  17. zane dont worry i think thats the idea of a forum for us all to swap our ideas and information and to learn from others rather than let all that information in everyones heads go to waste thanks to everyone who contributes to this section its good to see people who are passionate about their cars
  18. so you work in the auto industry? what do you do exactly? sorry to be so nosy but you mention raws a lot so i just figured you for a mechanic or working for a raws or dealer i guess that you must have a few connections in the industry
  19. drift are you a mechanic? you seem to be very knowledgeable about this sort of stuff
  20. mcnamg


    whereis this thread going girls? :confused: cars? :confused: whats next ?
  21. whens someone going to build a skyline limo
  22. yeah gotta love it sleeper and less attention from the law
  23. this is the problem with hoon laws and opening them up to the public. a lot of people tend to stereotype people. for example my grandparents think that everyone who rides a motorcycle and has a beard and leathers and tatts is a druggie. you also find people of their age have similar views about people in fast cars. these people tar everyone with the same brush after watching the news and watching current affairs shows talking about the minority of people who live dangerously on the roads. i can see a lot of false accusations happening soon. i hope that police dont use the laws to their advantage and when having a bad day instead of giving you a yellow they say you were hooning and impound your car.
  24. hey dont knock it i have been married for 18 months and have a 3 year old daughter and i am only 21 if thats the way life takes you its all good
  25. how do you work out the cost of compliance for the particular model you are after i.e stagea?
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