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Everything posted by mcnamg

  1. the ks on a lot of imports are not right either. but even so as mentioned before the build quality of an 89 gtr would be much better than anything on the market here in aus. kelvin a lot of the commos and falcons on the road nowdays that are that old are owned by 17 and 18 year old p platers who thrash the hell out of them. but the only thing with local cars is that the service history may not be as good as a jap import bearing in mind how strict the licensing is over in japan and ther fact that they need to go throguh a shaken regualarly.
  2. he said gtr35 i think that he meant to say gtr 35 as in 35 series gtr not r35 gtr but yes youre right its rumoured to be the v35 series gtr r was for the rb series engine and the current models dont have the rb series anymore they have the nissan global engine platform the v series
  3. dont like the grille on the red one i agree looks a lot like a subaru all it needs is the covers down in the bumper where the fogs would be with sti printed on them
  4. rezz when are you getting your skyline? what model are you getting? rezz is there a series one and a series two model? i have seen two different sedans in pictures one with a small logo in the middle of the boot in what looks like a plastic sqaure on the bootlid with maybe a handle below it and then the cars with skyline in large letters across the boot.
  5. awd is great and i suppose that i could live without the turbo's and i am escpecially sure that my insurance company would love it if i lived without them too
  6. sorry funky no disrespect. i guess i was referring to the modern gtr ie r32 onwards. but old skool is still cool
  7. you will probably find that the heat under the bonnet is vapourising the coolant. the reason it is only getting down to a certain level is probably due to a pressure loss from the leaking coolant once a ceratin amount of coolant has escaped the pressure will have dropped to a point where there isnt enough pressure to push more coolant out. but get the radiator pressure tested professionally man its not worth the headaches
  8. sorry about the thread hijack teretto
  9. AWD sounds good all you need then is the hks twin turbo kit its not a gtr without twin turbo.
  10. anything that gets into the airbox can be sucked into the engine you should go out and get one really quick before any sand or dust gets in there and does some serious damage man
  11. you may have a leak. do you notice any fluid under the car when you start it? if not it may be a leak that only causes fluid loss under pressure. I had a hole in the radiator of my wifes fairmont and it kept losing coolant but i could never spot the leak. It eventually overheated and i took it into get it serviced and repaired and they found a leak at the top of the radiator that was allowing fluid to escape under pressure. so you should probably get it looked at its not worth the headaches if it overheats man
  12. they are based on the skyline 350 gtp i think the pop up lcd sat nav screen looks pretty cool the only drawback of course is that as pentae said they will probably be way too expensive compared to an import skyline. either way i would much rather see some more quality rwd autos on the road rather than more falcodoores. im sure the infiniti g35 would give the monaro a run for his money.
  13. the latest version of wheels magazine had an article about the possibility of nissan bringing infiniti to the asia pacific region including the JDM and austrralia. I know that its wrong to call a skyline anything but a skyline but i wouldnt be too upset to see infiniti g35's driving around in aus. If thats what it takes to get the skyline into aus as a new car again then i say bring it on!
  14. no worries good luck with the rims hope they look good and hopefully you can find some centre caps to suit them
  15. thanks blitz i have mentioned it to a mate of mine who is a police officer and he has suggested the same thing. will give the motor traders association a ring and let them know what i saw and they can take it further. I dont like not getting what i paid for but i suppose thats why it pays to be observant i think that the guys who run these car dealerships must think that people have rocks in their heads. a car that only has 74k k's on the clock that has a shift lever and steering wheel that look they have come out of a taxi that has done 500k k's
  16. doesnt the sevs process make it harder for the dealers to wind back the k's? or do they not log the amount of kilometres on the odometer until the car is registered? im not too sure what the process is but i thought sevs was meant to make it hard for dodgy dealers to bring in crappy cars
  17. hi guys just a quick question was looking around a few car dealers nearby my house today(wont name names ) and noticed a few strange things. There was a number of skylines and soarers in the back part of the yard that were not yet available for sale. Quite a few of them were missing their instrument clusters. I have observed this before at the same dealership(s) before. I saw this about six months ago when i was looking at quite a nice wine red r33 that was one of the dealers it was not yet ready for sale. It had part of its dash removed but the instruments were still there the k's were about 115k for a 95 series 1.5. It was quite distinctiive because it had painted door inserts. I saw the same car again about two weeks later in the lot for sale for about 23 grand but what really freaked me out was that the odometer said it had only done 75k k's. I am certain that this was the same car as the painted door in serts gave it away. Am i being paranoid or is this dealer really dodgy and swapping gauges or just winding back the k's Is there any way to prove how many k's the car has done?
  18. heres my attempt at a photochop pretty amateur but hope it gives you an idea of what it looks like sorry i couldnt find a good photo of a wine red skyline but you get the idea :headspin: Hope the owner of the car in the photo doesnt mind that I put some falcoon rims on his ride
  19. could just replace the centrecaps with something generic most of the factory rims made for ford come from ROH so they may have some ROH caps or blank caps that will fit onto those rims. i would be interested to see the results of the photo chop
  20. hi guys apologise if this has been discussed before but did a search and couldnt find anything current on the topic. do you think that with more sevs approved garages available now that the prices of r33 skylines will come down? or do you think that with the uncertainty of the 15 year law changes that the prices will hover around the same point? obviously if the 15 year rule remains unchanged then the demand for older cars will still be high ie r32's but if the law gets changed then those ppl looking for an r32 if they have the cash will turn to an r33, this would mean the demand would be high again and wouldnt that stop proces from dropping or cause them to rise? I am not looking at this from a resale perspective but more from a purchase perspective. Any comments on my ramblings would be appreciated thanks guys :headspin:
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