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Everything posted by Downforce

  1. Yeah half the city power grid is out... Apparently a bushfire in benalia burned out the eleventy-billion kilavolt power connector, effectively cutting off 100,000 Powercor customers in Victoria. Just got home from work, very warm outside, walk into my apartment building, elevators work, proximity swipe works! w00t. Airconditioner been on all day... ahh lovely. Right now I'm sitting in my apartment, sipping an ice cold beverage Might go relax by the pool for a bit... Most importantly, my computers are all alive and online as usual Excellent.
  2. For those of us without F1 forms, can you bring blank forms to fill in?
  3. Entry faxed, I'm in.
  4. Ash if you read my words in context you would note that I said; there was not much the police could do in this situation once the numbers had grown that big and situation escalated. IF there was a stronger police presence before the situation had escalated, then perhaps they could have prevented the events that followed. I am not disagreeing with anyone about that.
  5. price drop $2400!! Melbourne pickup. or will freight via TNT roadside express interstate if required. email [email protected] or PM.
  6. My point is, if the police went in and started arresting with such small police numbers present, and then if the crowd turned violent given that they were already throwing bottles at marked police cars, and one police member was already hit, the police would be outnumbered and forced to defend themself.... and that would most certainly mean injuries. So in this instance it was better to avoid that situation - hold back and wait until reinforcements arrive and then move in. I would also suggest that not all the police present would have been faced with a situation like that before. You can't expect them all to be hardcore tuff guys wanting to take on a large crowd of people without having backup.. especially when their authority/presence was already being challenged. I'm glad I wasn't there. In fact I can happily say I've never been to noble park maccas in my life... I have no reason or desire to go there.
  7. There should be no further dispute, this clarifies it perfectly. Take it to court Darren.
  8. Surround the enemy when you outnumber them tenfold. Attack the enemy when your forces are fivefold theirs; engage the enemy when you have twice their number. When the numbers are equal you should try to divide and disperse the enemy forces; when you are outnumbered you must switch to a defensive posture. If the situation becomes indefensible, you should attempt to evade the enemy. Tactics people... it's all good to say why didn't the police control the crowd, but there really was not much the police could do in this situation once the numbers had grown that big and situation escalated. Trying to control a crowd of agressive little punks under influence of alcohol would not have turned out well as the police numbers obviously outweighed the numbers of people causing trouble. The smarter move was to wait for reinforcements (K9 units) and then move in. The issue is that police should have arrived much earlier to prevent the situation escalating to the point where it was uncontrollable in the first place!.
  9. I'm full-time employed... but I also do occasional private work
  10. That's all fine for standard class to be allowed to sneak in a few nice mods which will give more power, but remember street tyres will only give you so much grip Compete in modified class, it's more fun
  11. LOL.. yes I am a certified pen-tester... but it's only part of what I do (I wonder if that credential would impress the ladies)
  12. IT Security Specialist.
  13. Bump!! Price is negotiable... Want to sell these ASAP.
  14. also interested in the heatbag, price??
  15. anywhere I can download GP form beforehand?
  16. LOL @ chuck norris I miss my folding mirrors... replaced them with Ganadors, no "going supersonic" mode for me anymore =( Oh well, at least the electric mirror adjustment still works
  17. where are the number plates on an australian delivered FD RX7 positioned in factory form?
  18. Unconfirmed. Just because wheezy "thinks so" does not make it so
  19. Dane, aren't you entering this round?? hows the engine build coming along?
  20. Dane, only 399 Enzo's were produced Agree about the Carrera Gt being a better car tho
  21. The first Evo I can honestly say 'looks' appealing.
  22. LOL Aaron. Nice one for standing up for yourself
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