I know the feeling. Im just going to go to a day time session for any of these pricks drop a spoiler and then I can enjoy the movie in peace n quiet. No kid just me, Paul Walker and a lap full of diet busting goodies
I'd go Catwomen but I dont imagine that I'd look any good in lycra, spandex or leather plus I'm no gymnast Wonder Women on the other was a feminist with big tits! I like this!
I had drifted back into sleep....only to be woken by a 'Mummy, I've peed the bed' 'Why didn't you get up' 'Because I couldn't because it's too cold and I dont know where the toilet is and I might have peed in the cupboard' translation= CBF
Double standards my peeps. In saying that though it wouldn't kill people to hold a door open instead of letting it slam in someone's face or give way to a reversing car regardless of gender or ethnicity. Also I really don't agree with 'put downs' n the workplace. If they're not dong something right they probably don't know. Show them how Share your years of experience
+1. Some pregnant hippo was so rude to my son last week for holding the door for her. Excuse me or trying to teach my son some manners
Felt like this on Saturday
Don't we all. I want my online banking to take 2 minutes to load cos I break the Internet with my huuuuge bank balance!
Then I want my shelves to start buckling under the weight of my copious shoe collection and the age old question of where to store my huge collection of Skylines.
Why have I been doing Nursing all this time? Should have became a Lady Tradie. Same with Nursing. Men are paid like an extra 5-10% based on qualifaction and govt hospitals have to hire x male graduates to xx female graduates because of their commitments to workplace diversity
No I wasn't. I pay Tony a compliment and everyone thinks I'm on the piss
Too tired?? *giggle*
I like this positive-ness. I like you. You can stay here *points to a giant pink comfy chair*
But then Tuesday will be Monday.
You guys have it made. You can fix her car and she can install power points in the garage for you I will be unpacking the new place today AND laundry...and laundry...and laundry. Oh and if I get some time I might go to this info session on running a food business in Queensland.
You missed out on awesome curry, echidna cake and watching Maddy & I kill 3 bottles of champagne in a sitting. Was FARRRKED off my face.
Good to see Tony owes said reach around. He must deliver in a French maid outfit
We had Nachos.
Whores are not whoring. Tony and Tyler are passed out on the couch and I'm enjoying the silence. I'm thinking I might even run myself a hot bubble bath
Was gooood curry I'll watch that
I remember those days. I would drank my butt home and bandage my feet up
Not evil....just painfully awesome
I have The Ark...Georgina (Tony's car) is a spoilt bitch. She has her own bedroom now.