I hate working on Oncology wards. I worked on one and ran for the hills- too much effort gowning and gloving for pretty much every room but it seems you can't escape them. Most general wards I've worked on are full of people on Chemo and Cardiac patients.
I've lost heaps of patients to Cancer, I only remember those with an interesting story.
One was a 16/17 year old and the other was a man who's wife did not leave his side. She pretty much moved into the hospital for 6 months so we had put them in a private room and set up a little space for her to continue working.
This man was a non smoker, non drinker and loved organic foods. I don't think I ever saw him eat/drink anything else but fruits, veg and water. He didn't even own a car, he rode a push bike!
They say smoking causes Cancer, and had photos of that 70's porn star looking guy plastered all over the packets but they forgot to mention that the guy in the pictures actually died of radiation (before radiation therapy was perfected) what they fail to mention is its actually WORST to inhale second hand smoke because the chemicals in cigarettes become most active and dangerous at cooler temperatures.