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Everything posted by Miss-R34

  1. The Ant Eater & The Daddy Mobil? He promises them milk....and they only get Dad jokes
  2. I feel like tellin everything to go Fuch itself and taking a nap but I have stuff to do.
  3. Hee Hee it's Gru's rocket
  4. Today can go choke on a dick. That is all.
  5. I drive past a yellow 34 pretty much everyday. It's always parked at Stafford State School (even on weekends) so I'm assuming they live in those townhouses on Webster Rd with no driveways.
  6. Hi Pat *waves* I'm also on the Northside. If I see you getting around I'll say hi. My car also sticks out like a sore thumb so if you see a silver R34 with a feral looking ding on the passenger side, feel free to say Hi.
  7. I prefer manual, that's why I learnt to drive in one however I will give autos one thing, they are very convenient. I couldn't drive manual for a very long time, that's why I had to sell my Lancer and in that time I became very lazy. I don't have to clutch in, or worry about changing gears when someone slams their breaks in front of me I can eat, drink and programme my GPS while driving- I just slap her in auto and WA-LA. If I was to sprain my ankle, break my leg or smash my pelvis (the reason I had to sell my car) I can keep driving. Driving means everything to me, I actually think I would die if I had my drivers licence taken off me because its my freedom. For a dual track/road car I think a worked tiptronic is the way to go. Best of both worlds. As a daily I'd just go an auto, who really gives a flux when you have to stop every 30 metres for a red light. For a track car, manual all the way.
  8. Traffic is always shit in Brisbane. I get so fed up with idiots doing 10-20 below or not moving into the centre of the intersection when they have the chance. I kind of want to install a cow catcher so I can just plough the f**kers out of the way. I has a little bit of road rage. I heard about that on the news Ants. Pretty Ghay. Felt sorry for you for a moment til I looked up and realised that I too was stuck in traffic because some numb nut rammed someone up the ass on Anzac avenue.
  9. Stupid Internets!
  10. I was going to go get P100. If I don't get fuel, my car no go cough cough splutter brooooom and I don't pick the child up from Kindy.
  11. I was going to go get P100. If I don't get fuel, my car no go cough cough splutter brooooom and I don't pick the child up from Kindy.
  12. You whores keep distracting me. I have to go get fuel.
  13. $15 postage. Far out
  14. That's actually pretty cool
  15. I googled it. I couldn't find anything that suggests gopherwood is real! But Gophers are cute and I want an excuse to be a classy bitch and have something wooden. My Grand-Dads first car had a full wood grain dash...and no seatbelts
  16. Hahah I like
  17. Gear knob?
  18. I like wood as much as the next girl but not so sure about Gopher wood wrap or panels. I may have to find something gopher-ish to put in The Ark now. Wood grain dash?
  19. Hi Grant *waves*
  20. Who or what is a Squizz? I will indeed be needing vinyl stickers for The Ark and I may have advertising space somewhere on my car.
  21. Okays. Can you make me a shopping list if its more than say 5 things, my brain is a sink hole.
  22. Then I look like a Churchie, although I think most people know that Gen 6:14 is Noahs Ark. Do you think we can build secret compartments inside my Ark? After all I have to keep all those dead hookers somewhere. Going down to Bunnings soon to get a piece of MDF. Sick of the sink hole in my boot. I have to come into The Valley to pick up a bridal shower gift so I'll take Georgina's measurements while I'm there.
  23. I know they're all translated differently. I've read like 6 different versions this morning and couldn't find exactly what I remembered, so I rang my catholic grandmother, who seemed quite thrilled that I was calling to discuss Religion. Should have just gone and watched that Steve Carell movie instead.
  24. Clearly you have a type
  25. "SAU, go forth and build thee an Ark made of coke cans" Was thinking about doing a vinyl sticker for it. Yellow engine light with the $ in the middle with the words "Project Ark". Hopefully with any luck after the renovations are done she'll be show worthy. You might be missing the Leopard, she is very pretty. What happened to the Wedge?
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