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Ed G

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Everything posted by Ed G

  1. Sup Marc... long time mate... I actually saw/beeped at you a couple months ago... you looked broken down on your bike on the traffic isl in the middle of gympie rd (or is it bowen bridge down there) near squzzie's place.. turned around to see if you needed a hand and u were gone.. thought you may have ducked into naughty but nice so left you to your own devices
  2. g'day riceman *tips hat* lol... nearly? they failed???? unlucky jk's btw... your emails are getting blocked to my work addy for some reason... do u have my gmail?
  3. Yup DIY... Can do it in a day easy.
  4. Morning kids.... been a while...
  5. Hey Dave... still playing cards????
  6. later skater
  7. on that note.. its home time...
  8. Chuck/Charlie/James.... blah blah blah Willus?
  9. true that... we should get the old guard together for a bit of a meal somewhere... would be good to see everyone again
  10. cactus jacks still lives??? haha gold!!
  11. f**k its been a while... who's still around josh? i saw chuck the other weekend at dans wedding... jay still whore at all?
  12. *shrugs* ask joshwa
  13. freaks...
  14. Ed G

    Sold My 32

    sad to see it go willus... only wish I could had afforded it... oh wells...
  15. Ed G

    you are a gaylord for having comment approval on <_<

  16. Ed G


  17. You know what.. this is a shit thing to have happened.. However this poor girl has to live with this the rest of her life... i would not wish that on my worst enemy... Yes it was a stupid decision, yes it could had been avoided, but it wasnt.. As has been said earlier.. we all make stupid decisions, maybe shooting your mouth off at your bf/gf/boss about something stupid... seems like a good idea at the time, but at least you have the chance to go apologise/make things right. Maybe getting sideways in the wet and getting a little out of shape... We've all done it, you look back and go 'gee that was really dumb.. lucky there wasnt anyone coming up the other side of the road'... hindsight is a wonderful thing, we look back and learn. We all know what our cars are capable of, and we all know what even a little dutch courage can do... The wrong decision here was to get in the car in the first place... Everything after this was a consequence of this one action.. I hope everyone learns from this. RIP, and I hope this poor girl can go on to lead a somewhat normal life.
  18. Ed G

    Stolen R33

    what are his plates.. i live in indro will keep an eye out
  19. harden up son
  20. la la land? lol nah dude just been busy with work/life .. how u been?
  21. this is bob.. bob has bitchtits... hey dude.. long time no see
  22. sweet as.. im onto it
  23. true.. i caught up with him at jasons bday tho... he's still the same lol will email him and see whats doing
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