You know what.. this is a shit thing to have happened..
However this poor girl has to live with this the rest of her life... i would not wish that on my worst enemy...
Yes it was a stupid decision, yes it could had been avoided, but it wasnt..
As has been said earlier.. we all make stupid decisions, maybe shooting your mouth off at your bf/gf/boss about something stupid... seems like a good idea at the time, but at least you have the chance to go apologise/make things right. Maybe getting sideways in the wet and getting a little out of shape... We've all done it, you look back and go 'gee that was really dumb.. lucky there wasnt anyone coming up the other side of the road'... hindsight is a wonderful thing, we look back and learn.
We all know what our cars are capable of, and we all know what even a little dutch courage can do... The wrong decision here was to get in the car in the first place... Everything after this was a consequence of this one action.. I hope everyone learns from this.
RIP, and I hope this poor girl can go on to lead a somewhat normal life.