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Ben C34

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Ben C34 last won the day on February 18 2024

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About Ben C34

  • Birthday 03/06/1982

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    I wanna go fast.

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    Something bogan, and turbo.
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  1. engine is working = thrash it. engine is broken = fix it. dont look at stuff.
  2. Do a proper boost leak check man. That's pretty much exactly what happens when a coupler has popped off. Also solid chance it's crusty old ( or new ) coils
  3. How many litres per minute does it flow? Pressure drop? Data logs? Cmon man
  4. You would also design the part to take an off the shelf o ring.
  5. For reference the Link forum is very active and monitored by dudes from link.
  6. One wire should be sensor ground on the ecu, so you need to run that to the knock sensors to do it properly.
  7. You can't just change knock sensors and expect the factory ecu to be happy.
  8. The photos don't work great so can't see on phone what's going on. For the velt they are standardised to a certain extent. That bring the amount of ribs and length. You could just take it to a shop and they measure it and sell you one, but surely you just tell them.what car it is for amd they also easily sell you one.
  9. Will definitely, will definitly drive. Go easy on throttle driving to get tune. No probs.
  10. This should help generally. https://www.racepagesdigital.com/blog/learn-your-gm-ecms/1008 You can likely do what Mark wants with his ecu, it's just that typically tuners Max out the torque limits. None of the commodore ecus are proper torque based.
  11. Cmon man. Dont make me point out you drive a non turbo rb25. Anyway good work upgrading brakes. Given enough run up those rb25s can build a little bit of speed!
  12. Actually to put the wheels back on they dont even bolt on ( they nut on, thats the term) , so you are shit out of luck either way here mate.
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