I don't know what my point was.
Maybe it is just saying map is better than maf or vice versa isn't enough.
A shit ecu is a shut ecu regardless of what it uses to measure load. There's a reason factory cars use afms, even now (r35 gtr etc)
Popping cooler hoses shouldn't really be a deciding factor in choosing an ecu.
Popping inlet manifolds that's where it's at.
Back in the day I had a wolf 3d v4 on a vl turbo (map sensor, so it was good???)
Running extra injectors pre plenum (old days ghetto as, no cheap injectors like you spoilt kids)
Backfire, exploded plenum, ruined bonnet.
Due to having a map sensor car accelerates flat out atmo style (not concerning)
I simply set rev limit to 3000 rpm and drive car home like a boss.
Do that with an afm. Yeah, explode shit and keep driving.
Popping hoses is soft.