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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. Ok. I'll try to be more helpful. Where are you stuck?
  2. Get someone else to do it then.
  3. 2 threads is annoying..... I'm betting on electrical issues causing you issues.
  4. Is my microwave safe on my kitchen bench?
  5. I keep my keys clamped firmly in my bum cheeks for that very reason.
  6. Your pcv setup won't be helping.
  7. It won't spool too early. That's always determined by the throttle. You've spent a tonne of cash in the chase of response and are now worried about it spooling too early
  8. So did the car get hammered with the new stuff on it or just started and it was running crap? As Blackkers said if it got a hard time with the new turbo etc it would have easily killed the engine.
  9. A larger turbine housing (or back housing as you put it) will be to the detriment of response and midrange. That's not what you want.
  10. There won't be bits of ring in your sump. That would involve a very smashed piston.
  11. There are other turbos out there cobraa. And I'm sure it will be a sweet result.
  12. What about the fusible links in the fuse box? You can see if they are blown through the clear top.
  13. Substantially better. But probably not required.
  14. Ideally us3 a manual ecu. Dont use the crusty rb20 box. It will be very hard for you based on my estimation of your mechanical ability.
  15. Am looking at some cheap tyres for drag use, and was suggested these. I don't need to run et streets, although I'm tempted to just bite the bullet and buy the et streets. From what I have searched they don't seem too bad, for a ghetto tyre. Has anyone used them? I can't find a review. 140 a tyre vs more than double (triple even) is tempting, and they would have to be better than some tyres...... Cheers Ben
  16. Upgrade to the 3076 is definitely worth while, and I'm not just saying that cos you bought mine! Don't stress about those results man. Especially if you don't have a "before" result to compare to. People put a lot of faith in the results for some reason, but it's not really worth it. Now you have a baseline to compare against. I assume the engine still runs fine and seems fine? If that's the case it is fine.
  17. Have those uni group cams been proven? Piggaz recently posted he saw a result where there wasn't enough valve spring pressure to keep everything happy, or maybe I'm confused.... I'm hanging to see your results. Will be an absolute monster and make a few jealous! Obviously something you will enjoy driving!
  18. That extra money would have been better spent towards a variable inlet cam for response, seeing as that's your goal. There's tonnes of info on here about e85. Using it as a daily is no concern. Ask your tuner why they suggested it? A smaller turbo with e85 would create the same peak power and more response, which was your goal in the first place. Just going to e85 will make more power. No better response
  19. Are you sure it's clear coat and not from grinding?
  20. Probably not. And it would be quicker to swap a fuse than ask if it is worth swapping a fuse
  21. And if the tyre will hit the guard, stiffer springs doesn't fix that. It means it will happen less often, but will still happen.
  22. I would put money on the rings.
  23. The Veyron Brushless Pump from Protec Fuel Systems is capable of 455ltr/hr @5bar (72.5psi) 10 ampT Yes. As you would expect it flows heaps more and costs heaps more.
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